Gardening Magazine

Pacific Coast Surprise

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

Pacific Coast Surprise

Its funny how things work out.  There I was thinking I would write a blog post about the gardens I saw in Austin when something caught my eye in the garden.  It was this beauty, a Iris Pacific Coast hybrid.  Now my American friends may think, what’s all the fuss about, but here in the UK they are not widely grown.  What is even more exciting is that I grew this one from seed a couple of years ago, probably from the seed exchange at my local Hardy Plant Society.  Only this morning I was listening to a discussion at the same HPS about the lack of Pacific Coast hybrids in the UK and why someone didn’t get hold of some seeds from the US and start breeding them.  I found myself remembering that I had grown some from seed but I couldn’t remember what had happened to them (I am the most forgetful gardener) and lo and behold there it was flowering away just by my kitchen window.  I am thrilled.

I wonder if I could source some seeds from the US ….off to google.


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