Welcome to a Sunday Shopping! Today I bring you OwlCrate along with an unboxing video :D
The following is a complete breakdown of pricing.
Fabric Button Bookmark from My Heart My Tribe:
Cost – US – 4.99, AUD – 6.80
Shipping – ?
Thoughts – So I couldn’t find anything but an instagram page for this store and the only price I could find was the above. This does not include shipping. If I could find an easier way to purchase these I might consider buying them but not with the current system.
Would I Buy It – Not right now.
Oz Passport Notebook from The Unemployed Philosopher’s Guild:
Cost – US – 10, AUD – 13.63
Shipping – US – 12.25, AUD – 16.70
Thoughts – For this store you can only place orders if they are 10+ and the notebook costs less than that, so the price could very well be more because you have to buy more than one item. I don’t mind some of the other items but not many.
Would I Buy It – I would pick a different design if I wanted something else from the store.
Charm Bracelet from The Geeky Cauldron:
Cost – ?
Shipping – ?
Thoughts – I was unable to check any pricing for this item because the store is currently closed. I do love the bracelet though.
Would I Buy It – Yes, if it was a reasonable price.
Lost Boys Beanie from Whosits and Whatsits:
Cost – US – 22, AUD – 29.99
Shipping – US – 14.55, AUD – 19.83
Thoughts – As I don’t like the beanie and beanies are not something I would buy anyway I think the cost of this item it way too high.
Would I Buy It – No.
Vassa In The Night by Sarah Porter:
Cost – US – 13.39, AUD – 17.92
What I Paid For The Box: US – 49.98, AUD – 65.44
Box Worth: US – 77.18, AUD – 104.87
Final Thoughts: Would Buy Again
So there is some extra value in buying this box as it would have cost me quite a bit more to get everything separately. If I were to know everything in the box I would not have gotten it all but I think the excitement on those few items I would want plus a surprise book is worth the other things I didn’t want.
Till Next Time…