
Over-Tourism in the Chinese Wall

Posted on the 14 July 2019 by Kate Macan @travelingcooki1

The Chinese Wall is the most visited attraction in China and since it was named as one of the New Wonders of the World, the number of people who visit it year after year has grown in popularity.

Due to the large increase of daily visitors in the Badaling section, close to the city of Beigin it has been decided to restrict visits.

The local authorities have set at 65,000 daily visitors, starting this June 2019

For Over-Tourism in the Chinese Wall, In addition, a system of visitor alerts will be created to avoid congestion.

Online ticket sales systems were also created in the official pages. The tickets will bear the name of the visitors and are purchased individually.

The price of tickets varies according to the following scheme

It is advisable to take your tickets online. In order to avoid problems with over-tourism such as in Venice, Barcelona or Santorini, it is convenient to visit other sections of the wall. Even there are some with little restoration

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