Shoe Rack Ideas | It’s important to make sure that you always have a fancy pair of shoes for every occasions. But, sometimes it led to a mess where the shoes are messing out everywhere. Therefore, shoe rack make an important use to tidy up your shoes and make your home visibly neat.
Especially in a home with a family, the number of shoes can be pretty huge. Making sure that you have shoe rack with enough slots can be a game changer to tidy your house.
There’s a plenty way to make your own shoe rack ideas that not only keep your shoes but make your home prettier. It’ll be more meaningful than the store-bought shoe racks. You can choose the style that matches your preference and suit your room style perfectly.
Shoe Rack Ideas
1. Shoe Racks

Shoe racks under stairs
" data-orig-size="750,526" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />Stairs shoe rack ideas | source: under the stairs often be forgotten and left empty. Whereas, it could be a smart idea as a storage room, including as a place to store your shoes. You can make a wardrobe-like room under the stair where you can pull out the drawer and stack your shoes. This way, can various size of shoes up to boots or even be your closet to store your clothes.
It’s also a smart way to use neglected room and make it become useful, it is a smart shoe rack ideas for small house. You can make it in another way way by turning your staircase into the pull-out drawers. In every staircase, you can set up dozens amount of shoes.
2. Diy Shoe Rack

Diy Shoe Rack
" data-orig-size="750,591" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />Diy Shoe Rack ideas | source: instructables.comIn a nearby printing store, you can easily found cardboard-based pipe that had been used as a paper-roll case. It’s often thrown away as a garbage without any further reuse. But actually, you can a little bit creativity and turn it into cool staircase.
Cut the pipe into some short-lengths with same size, you can use cutter or small-saw to get a fine finish. Then, stack and glue it into desired amount and size. You can adjust the number of the pipe based on the amount of shoes in your house. Then, paint it with your favorite color. It’s better to varnish it before use so your DIY recycle shoe rack can last longer.
3. Shoe Shelf

white Shoe Shelf
" data-orig-size="750,529" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />Source: pinterest.comTake a look on every detail of your house – including your corners. An unused small corner can be changed into shoe rack with a little touch using wood panels. Measure the length of the wall corner and prepare the wood panels with the exact size. Stick the panels to the wall using drill, needles or very-strong adhesive glue. Make sure that the space between the panels are enough to put your shoes in between.
As the result, this shoe rack ideas could make your room become more compact, by using the unused corner. It’s not only saving the space but also make your room cooler with the display of shoes.
4. Shoe Rack Ideas

Shoe Rack Ideas
" data-orig-size="750,529" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />Source: pinterest.comIt’s important to make sure that your shoe rack won’t use too much space, and you can achieve it by make it vertical. Vertical shoe rack that laid on the wall can be effective to ensure that you are using the minimum amount of space. It can be a trick for small house as a way to make the space efficient. Drill the racks on the wall, and use it to put your shoes. Make sure that you drilled it properly so it won’t be broken out.
5. Wooden Book and Shoe Rack

Wooden Shoe Rack
" data-orig-size="750,691" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: creatingreallyawesomefreethings.comWhat’s the most favorite collectible items combination than books & shoes? You can recycle wooden crates into unique racks to store your books, shoes and favorite items. Crate can be found in a storage store, and often be seen as a trash. But you still can recycle it and make it useful. Paint the crates with wooden paint and varnish it to avoid the mold. The color choice is really important so it can match with your room style and make your item’s color popped out.
6. Homemade Shoe Rack

Homemade Shoe Rack
" data-orig-size="750,549" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: craftylumberjacks.comIndustrial-style interior is really fascinating. But do you know that you can make industrial themed shoe rack by your own? Cut the pieces of the pipes into various length, prepare the pipe joints and arrange into shoe rack. By creating your own shoe rack out of the pipe, you can make sure that the length of the shoe rack is enough for your shoes and fit in your room. You also can choose various color of pipe or paint it easily. Using pipe-glue in the joints can be effective way to keep the DIY pipe shoe rack stay in shape.
7. How to Make a Shoe Rack

How to Make a Shoe Rack
" data-orig-size="750,554" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source:ourhousenowahome.comNot only for storing your shoes, shoe rack can be optimized to become various purpose storage item, or even combine it into a side-table. Make it personal, arrange the wood panel into your design. You can use the top of the rack as a table by cover it with exposed-wood board. Make some part of the rack higher to store your high heels and boats.
8. Shoe Rack Diy

Shoe Rack Diy
" data-orig-size="750,554" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: buildsomething.comA vertical shoe rack can be an efficient use the space as effective as possible. But sometimes, it’s really tricky because your shoes can added up along the time. This DIY customized wooden shoe rack can be added up to give you more space for more shoes. To make it, you can construct the vertical wooden panel first and stick it to your wall. Make sure that the joint between the vertical panel and the small wooden shelves are detachable. Therefore, you can always arrange it, make it to the desired amount and space.
9. Easy Shoe Organizer

Easy Shoe Organizer
" data-orig-size="750,613" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />Source: pinterest.comYou don’t really need to master wood crafting to make your own shoe rack. Make it as simple as possible using wooden crates that modified into shelves. You can paint it or leave it as it is to expose the unique wood-texture. Remember to cover up your wooden racks with wood varnish so it won’t be eaten by termites. Rough wood can have rough splinters that can scratch your shoes. To avoid this happens, use sandpaper to smoothen the surface.
10. Shoe Rack Plans

Shoe Rack Plans
" data-orig-size="750,768" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: buildsomething.comA wooden shoe rack with ladder-shaped can be a garden themed shelves to store your shoes. This DIY shoe rack plan can be used to make an outdoor shoe rack that gets along visually with your garden. Make the wooden slats into a ladder, make sure that you make it easy to stand so your shoes wouldn’t messed up.
11. the Shoe Rack (Find Here)

the Shoe Rack
" data-orig-size="750,544" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: vinterior.coIf the previous racks ideas are using one specific materials, you can be creative by mixing out different type of materials to make your owh shoe rack. This DIY shoe rack idea use metal basket that stacked beneath the wooden slab. It’s a fancy design that can make your shoes enhanced when it’s stored. The top of the rack can be used as a side-table. The combination between wood and metal can get you a Scandinavian vibes for your room with this shoe rack design.
12. Cheap Shoe Rack

Cheap Shoe Rack
" data-orig-size="750,519" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: pinterest.comFor you, who have limited budget, but still would like to make your shoe rack out of the box, you only need to prepare triangle shaped wooden slab. Make sure that you had smoothen the surface and varnish it. Then, stick it to the corner of the walls using drills or strong adhesive. Measure the size of the triangles correctly so it can store your pair of shoes in each of the slabs. This vertical shoe rack using wooden slabs won’t require you much money to make it and can be a simple yet fascinating shoe rack.
13. Rustic Shoe Rack

Rustic Shoe Rack
" data-orig-size="750,519" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: craftingintherain.comDo you love rustic style interiors for your room? If the answer is yes, this simple wooden shoe rack ideas, can be your choice to make. With wood slabs, cut it to make a rack but make sure that you leave the top of the rack unpainted so you can get the rustic looks.
14. Shoe Cabinet With Doors

Shoe Cabinet With Doors
" data-orig-size="750,519" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: ikeahackers.netRacks can be a great way to store your shoes, but cabinet is more safe way. Storing your shoes in a closed cabinet can avoid your shoes become dusty and make it more safe. This cabinet that can be stored beside your door is a great idea to make your shoes always accessible every time you about to go out of your home.
15. Hidden Shoe Cabinet Small

Hidden Shoe Cabinet Small
" data-orig-size="750,699" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: handmade-haven.comThis rustic mini cabinet might look like usual rustic interior. But when you pull the drawers out, it actually a hideous shoe cabinet. This DIY wooden shoe rack ideas is really great and make people surprised on where you store your shoes. Make the cabinet with the drawers that customized to place your shoes, paint it according your style. The top of the cabinet can be covered with some mementos to make the cabinet more useful.
16. Shoe Cabinet Wood

Shoe Cabinet Wood
" data-orig-size="750,775" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: pinterest.comA simple but eye-catchy shoe cabinet can be your option to store your shoes in a fashionable way. You can modify your usual wood cabinet by placing wooden slabs to make shoe slots inside. As a trick, make shelves tilted so it can be easier to you to take and put your shoes. The height of the cabinet must be enough so you can put these shoe rack ideas to use.
17. Shoe Cabinet 30 Pairs

Shoe Cabinet 30 Pairs
" data-orig-size="750,833" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />30 pairs | shoe cabinet ideas | source: livesimplybyannie.comIf you love shoes, you might know how hard it is to make sure that all of your shoes are stored tidily in your home. This shoe rack ideas is ideal for you who have huge amount of shoes and want to store it. Because it’s in cabinet, it doesn’t look messy at all. You can store your heels or sneakers, and it’ll be safe without any dusty layer or the risk of getting stains from the outside.
18. Under Bed Shoe Storage

Under Bed Shoe Storage
" data-orig-size="750,573" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: virginiasweetpea.comIf you ever wake up in the morning, and shoe is the first item in your mind, this DIY under bed shoe storage is perfect for you. You only need to prepare a wooden basket and install small wheels on it and you can have a mobile shoe storage that can be easily reached right after you wake up in the morning. The wheels make it easy for you to store it back under the bed.
19. DIY Shoe Storage

DIY Shoe Storage
" data-orig-size="750,902" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />Source: pinterest.comYou don’t really need a big sized shoe rack, small and simple one can be a perfect choice. This DIY shoe rack use wood to make a vertical shoe rack that stick on the wall. Arrange the wood into a wooden frame with some slots where you can tuck your shoes in. On the top of the rack, you can arrange some succulents or plants to make the rack more beautiful.
20. Shoe Box Storage

Shoe Box Storage
" data-orig-size="750,902" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: pinterest.comBe creative, and make a variation of your shoe rack using this shoe storage ideas. Prepare wooden racks with various colours, and stack it on your own way to the wall. You can put your shoes in or on the wooden box. This shoe box can also be used to store other belongings. Make it colourful with pretty pastel colours to get you shabby chick looks. You can laid the box horizontally to the wall to store your sneakers or make it vertical so your boots can fit properly.
21. Shoe Storage Bench

Shoe Storage Bench
" data-orig-size="750,769" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" aperture="aperture" />source: pinterest.comIt’s really comfortable to have a bench where you can sit while put your shoes or even heels. But why dn’t make the bench become your shoe rack as well? This shoe rack ideas, could take, and also use your shoes at the same time and the same place. You only need to put cushions on the shoe rack, and make sure the height of your rack is in the right position so you can sit comfortably. If it’s too tall, it can be hard for you to sit and put your shoes on.
DIY Minimalist Shoe Rack Video