There are people who genuinely do experience supernatural phenomena on a daily basis yet hide it from other people.
Some of these people need someone to talk to as they have questions and concerns, and some are just curious or find the circumstances surrounding our lives interesting.
Nevertheless, one way or another, it’s good to be aware this situation actually does exist.
Of course, this is not a topic for everyday discussion among the majority and not for everyone to speak about to just anyone.
However, a lot would not be able to handle the backlash of ridicule, mockery, criticism, patronizing and judgments from others who are in disbelief or who are not open to or interested in such things.
I understand completely, the world can be cruel and ruthless and no one should undergo a mental or emotional beat down on account of being contrary to what is usual.
So where do these people with paranormal abilities who don’t have anyone in their corner go?
To other people like themselves if they’re willing to share and exchange instances.
I express within my writings as the energies within spirit inspire, guide, motion, and drive out vibration from me accordingly unto the universe.
Do I worry about how I’m perceived or called out to be, if so? Hell no!
I’ve been called many things all for nothing as I was growing up just for not being like everyone else why should I care what anyone else says or thinks because I have a gift?
Boldness is just a trait I was born with. I’ve never been shy when it came to self expression and doing what I wanted to do. I don’t fear opposition, I dare, and challenge it.
I’m proud of who I am and I’ll talk and write about what I want to write about!
When spirit manifests through me and urges me to put out a message, I will exercise and utilize my vehicles, and I don’t care who doesn’t like it.