Yesterday I showed you what I wore to my mom's house for our weekend Thanksgiving. Today I will talk about our actual Thanksgiving day.
This year we went to my aunt's house and it was so great to see that side of my family. I only see my cousins on this side every two years, or this year because of a 95th b-day, twice for some of them! I also got to see the ones that live out of state so it was very special to me and my family.
I decided to pair a very basic sweater with a great metallic print skirt, nude shoes, an amazing bag, and LOTS of sparkle. Hey, it's the holidays, time to break out the good stuff. ;)

Everything was amazing! There was a bubble bar with fresh pressed cranberry and pomegranate juice, pomegranate seeds, and your choice of bubbly (tonic, prosecco, champagne) and also pear juice shooters that you could spike if you'd like. There were gluten free and vegan options for stuffing and gravy and on top of the traditional food, we also got to eat my Nana's famous red cabbage. My aunt made it perfect, Nana would be proud!

What do you do for Thanksgiving? Do you rotate parties because of a big family too?