Another gorgeous Nowhere piece. It's a biker vest, but a chic one, and sort of a blouse as well because of the slightly sheer fabric, and then you can zip it up and wear it as a dress. Talking about versatility. Love that it can be worn in many ways and that it's pretty chic but still sort of a biker vest. Best thing? It's on sale (here) right now. Sooo curious to see the Nowhere spring collection by the way!And yes, you see new shoes. But I'm still keeping to my shopping diet, since I traded this pair (old collection) with the lovely Debbie for a pair of my shoes. You have to be creative when you're on a shopping diet, right? The heels are sky high but they walk better then most of my heels. And so edgy.What do you think of my slighly more chic look than usual?