Culture Magazine

Out of Darkness (2024) Movie Review

By Newguy

Out of Darkness: A Review of the Old Stone Age Movie

Out of Darkness: A Review of the Old Stone Age Movie

Director: Andrew Cumming (Payback)

Writer: Ruth Greenberg (Screenplay)

Writer: Andrew Cumming, Oliver Kassman (Story)


Plot: In the Old Stone Age, a disparate gang of early humans band together in search of a new land. But when they suspect a malevolent, mystical being is hunting them down, the clan are forced to confront a danger they never envisaged.

Runtime: 1 Hour 27 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Out of Darkness starts when a group of early humans led by Adem (Modu), Geirr (Young), Beyah (Oakley-Green), Ave (Evans), Heron (Mwezi) and Odal (Luning) search for a new shelter. They have discovered a new open land around the water and want to make it their own.

However, once they start exploring, they find themselves dealing with a new threat. It causes Adem to become extremely defensive in his determination to find safety for his people. However, the question becomes, what is in the dark and can they stop it from hunting them down?

Verdict on Out of Darkness

Out of Darkness is a horror thriller set in the Stone Age, as a group of early humans search for a new shelter. However, once they reach the new land, they find themselves coming under attack by a mysterious danger in the dark. It leads to them needing to fight to survive a new dangerous world.

This is an extremely interesting horror, raking us to an era where we haven’t seen many horror movies. It engulfs us into the world with ease, giving the same feeling we recently saw in ‘Prey’. Even if this is a more ancient time. The darkness is used expertly to create an unknown threat we must wait to learn about. There are some exceptional sequences of terror, which keep us wondering and the beautiful landscape makes this world feel so open.

Where to Watch

Out of Darkness is in cinemas soon.

Final ThoughtsOut of Darkness is an excellent, creepy horror utilizing the environment marvelously.

Out of Darkness (2024) Movie Review

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