Destinations Magazine

Out Latest Concoction

By Awanderingphoto

“‘I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored.’”


Our latest backpacking stove concoction is delicious enough to warrant it’s own post as we had yet to invent it when I wrote about some of the common foods we make.

Though I have never really been a fan of soups (they never fill me up!) we have recently created a very hearty soup, partially because it’s harder to find water here (and by drinking it in a soup rather than dumping it out as with noodles we are wasting less of it), and because we wanted to find a way to get some more vegetables into our diet.

Here is what it consists of:

-Fried onion
-Fires garlic
-Grated carrots
-Grated potatoes
-Chopped peppers (both green and red)
-Chopped tomatoes
-Chopped aubergine (when it’s convenient)
-Orzo type thing (a mix between rice and noodles that cook in ten minutes.. We can make out the word “barley” amongst the other Turkish words)
-Cheese to your own bowl as desired

As you can see, it’s just whatever vegetables we happen to find that day plus the orzo type things (or noodles if we are out) and potatoes for more substance. It’s been really cheap – about a dollar each for the meal – plus when we are really hungry, we add fresh fifty cent Turkish bread to the menu since it goes splendidly with the broth.

You may have noticed I said grated potatoes and carrots, which is indeed the case because they cook in fifteen minutes like everything else. That brings me to one of the most unusual yet useful tools we carry in our cooking set: a portable cheese grater. Seriously, we use this thing more than almost anything else because it’s great for cheese, veggies for soups or salads (we like our carrots grated in salads as well), for hash-browns, and even for grating garlic! Though we wouldn’t bring it with us on a lightweight week long trip, for extended amounts of time, luxury items such as this are what make the difference.

Since the blog is always a few weeks behind (due to inconsistent internet) feel free to find me on Facebook or on Instagram at @awanderingphoto where I give small updates and post recent pictures when I get wifi!

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