Society Magazine

Our Ridiculous Baby Cries

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
By Elizabeth Prata
Our ridiculous baby criesDad to Mom: The baby's crying
That's his wet diaper cry, I'll go.
Mom to Dad: The baby's crying
That's his hungry cry. I'll go warm a bottle.
Next day
Teen to Babysitter: The baby's crying
He's tired, I'll put him down
Isn't it funny how you know your child so well, so intimately, that you can detect what they are trying to communicate even when they have only cries and gurgles to communicate it? As the father of that child, you know his different cries and states of being. When you hear your child's cry, would you not hasten to attend? Would you not go see what is the matter? When you feel that tiny tug on your sleeve and see the wide eyes pleading, would you not ask?
That's God as our Father. He knows each of our cries, piteous and infantile as they are. Yet he hears, He is a God of hearing. (1 John 5:15). We pray childish things, we cry out for things that would harm us, we cry and don't even know why, just like babies do. But God loves us.
He is our Father. God, very God, but also he cares for His child. He as Father, gives us clothes, food, comfort. His Spirit helps us-
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (Romans 8:26).
We are helpless babes before Him but all 3 persons of the Triune God are involved with raising, caring for, and protecting His child.
What a comfort that is!

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