Food & Drink Magazine

Our Rescue Lurcher and Rottweiler on Horden Beach, County Durham

By Richard Randall @aude11360

This morning we headed to one of our locals beaches.
We often go to the Easington Colliery end of Horden Beach because there is a nice long area of sand.
Barley the Lurcher has enjoyed many a run on this part of Horden Beach, but this morning it was the first time for Porter the Rottweiler. Both dogs had a good run, and enjoyed venturing into the sea. Rather them than me!

Lurcher and Rottweiler on the beach
Lurcher on the beach

Rottweiler on the beach
Lurcher and Rottweiler on the beach

Lurcher and Rottweiler on the beach
Lurcher and Rottweiler on the beach

Lurcher on the beach

Video of Barley and Porter have a run on Horden Beach

Blog post by Richard Randall

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