Lifestyle Magazine

Our Halloween As A Family Of Four

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Our Halloween As A Family Of FourOh my gosh it's November already! I still can't believe we're into the holiday's soon ( which is also another crazy story because my toddler has already requested 4 more babies to add to her massive collection to ask Santa this year! ) But anyways- let's share how yesterday went with our little family!
Our Halloween As A Family Of FourOur Halloween As A Family Of Four!I was so excited to take Lily out Trick- Or- Treating last night. It was in the mid 50's so I said I'd take our little princess Belle and Zach would stay home with Landon to pass out candy. Last year, Lily really didn't understand the concept of going to people's homes, ringing the doorbell and asking for candy. Well this year was an entirely different story! She couldn't stop giggling, yelling "TRICK OR TREAT" and even went INTO 3 homes to grab candy instead of waiting at the door. Phew!
Our Halloween As A Family Of FourWe stayed out for about an hour before it started to get dark outside. I loved watching her get excited as she saw other people pass by in their costumes and she couldn't get enough of being able to pick out all her favorite candies from our neighbors too ( lollipops are her favorite at the moment ). We got home just as a few more neighbors were stopping by and she helped pass out candy to other trick or treaters. I don't think our little girl could have loved it even more!
As Landon's first Halloween at 6 months, he didn't really understand what was happening and was a little nervous when the doorbell kept ringing every few minutes. At least he looked cute in his little "Boo Crew" outfit thanks to his sweet Aunt Tanya getting it for him. It was a pretty successful Halloween as a new family of four this year. I can't wait to come up with a fun sibling costume for those two next year! Hope you all had a wonderful time with your friends and family!
What did you dress up for Halloween?Share your favorite candy!
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