
Our First Lucet Workshop at Belgioioso Medievale

Posted on the 09 June 2023 by Rici86

Our first lucet workshop at Belgioioso Medievale - from #LRCrafts - DIY Passion: if you can think it, you can make it by Rici86.

Leggi in italiano

We love attending Medieval reenactments with our friends of the Compagnia dei Servi di Melegnano. They are wonderful people, as well as precise 14th century reconstructors.

When they asked our family if we wanted to attend the first edition of Belgioioso Medievale, we were enthusiast. I was excited more than usual because I had a goal: I was asked to prepare a lucet workshop.

My research about the history of this braiding tool goes on, I am more thrilled about it every day. Rotecherius knows it, so I thank him a lot for proposing me to host a workshop. I prepared myself a lot, practising, studying, translating my material in Italian, making tons of bracelets for children passing by.

I did not expect the event to go so well, though!

Our first lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023, with our friends Ruggero and Angela from the Compagnia dei Servi Melegnano
Our first lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
The map of the event Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
The map of the event Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023

The event itself was big.

Seven main points with attractions for the audience: a Medieval market, our friends from the company Allegri Viandanti showing their craftsmanship, a stage to host several shows. You could see historical dances, knights’ tournaments, musicians, falconers with their birds of prey, court jesters, archers, flag-throwers…

In the big garden of Villa Trespi you could find horses, engaged in a magnificent equestrian show. There was also an archery tournament. This time, we did not attend, unfortunately. I would have loved seeing Locutus shoot!

The magnificent castle was accessible as well. Inside the rooms you could find an exhibition of reconstructed Medieval garments, all made by the talented Contrada Le Braide. One of the courts hosted a special area for children, with games of any sort.

It’s indeed in this court that we had our own camp.

The camp was, as usual, full of children. Rotecherius is famous for his Medieval games, fun for kids and adults alike.

We arrived with all our tools: several lucets we made just for the occasion, thread in various colors, ready-made bracelets to show what we wanted to make, loads of buttons to add as a bracelet closing as well as for a fancy decorations. They were machine-made, so not entirely historical, but the button itself was invented in the Middle Ages, so I decided I wanted to bring them with me. I wanted something more, besides the basic friendship bracelet.

I experimented a lot making bracelets with my lucet, to give something fancy to the workshop participants.

The castle court during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Getting our table ready for the lucet workshop, Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Our workshop table during the lucet workshop, Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Our lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Our lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Our lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Our lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Our lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Our lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023

Well, I settled down with my lucet in hand, waiting for people to approach. I expected everybody to stop at the games before reaching me, or going elsewhere entirely.

It was not the case. First, a group of young people came close, asking what I was doing. I showed them the lucet and in no time they were sitting around the table, one tool each, trying to braid a bracelet.

I was so glad they liked the activity! They stayed a lot, until their own bracelets were finished. We chatted and worked together, then other people approached, somebody just asked about the tool and shot a picture, others stayed and tried.

Also several children came, and they all wanted to try and make their own bracelet.

Working with them was great! Seeing they were able to grasp the technique and finish their work was so satisfying. They chose their yarn color and matching button, all going back home with a creation of their own.

I did not expect children at the workshop, but I was so glad they came.

There was a young girl who loved crocheting and crafting: she fell in love with the lucet, she also wanted to take a tool home with her. We didn’t plan to sell our tools or anything, but I simply couldn’t say no to her request. I am happy I made her learn something new she enjoyed!

Another girl mastered the technique in no time: she even offered to make a necklace and a bracelet for her friends!

Then the youngest of my “students”: a 5-year-old, daugher of fellow reenactors, who hadn’t the patience to try the lucet but liked to help me cut thread, using my Medieval scissors. She was so sweet!

Our lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023
Our lucet workshop during Belgioioso Medievale, 3rd June 2023

In the end, I happened to be busy with the workshop for four full hours non-stop! I ended up tired but happy and satisfied.

I still can’t believe so many people came by, curious or eager to try.
If I’ve been able to be a lively entertainment, or if I could get someone acquainted to a new craft, or if I could teach someone something they didn’t know, well my goal was more than reached.

Thank you all for coming by, see you next time!

What can you make with a lucet?

Besides being a tool for historical reenactment, the lucet can be handy even in modern everyday projects.

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