Books Magazine

Our First Ever Book Club!

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages


My family and Justine’s family both attend church at this great new place in Chandler called One Church.  We are so so so blessed by this group daily and discovered a lot of new friends, a lot of whom like to read like us!  So we decided that all this time of being bookworms and not being part of a book club was just downright horrible and so we got a big group together to read Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter.

My review on the book will come later but we had such a great time.  After a little bit of a mix-up on restaurants (the first place we tried to go to was this trendy and cute wine bar but it was a Friday night and it was BUMPIN’, literally. There was a DJ that made it so loud we couldn’t even hear each other on the patio!) we found a great patio and enjoyed the beautiful early-autumn Arizona air! Justine and I split a bottle of wine and had a wonderful night with the girls.

My beautiful book next to my empty glass of wine (oops!)

My beautiful book next to my empty glass of wine (oops!)

The turn out was so awesome, I always have that inner fear that some social event I attempt to organize is going to flop and fail so I’m so thankful for these ladies:

Hannah, Jen, Justine, Me, Bekah, and Rebekah (Leah missed the picture when she had to leave a little early, sorry Leah!)

Hannah, Jen, Justine, Me, Bekah, and Rebekah (Leah missed the picture when she had to leave a little early, sorry Leah!)

We had delicious food and even better discussion. We talked about everything from the cover (which I thought was gorgeous but actually turned a few people off) to the characters, to the story development, to the overall themes and messages of the novel.

It was a great night and we already chose the next book for our next meeting! If you are in the Phoenix area and would like to join us, Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell is our next pick. Thank you to everyone who came and read the book, I had the most wonderful time! It was my first book club but will certainly not be my last!

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