After all the build up and excitement for the little mans first Christmas, I can't believe it's over! We had a great Christmas and I really didn't want it to end. It was a little bitter sweet because once Christmas was over I knew the end of maternity leave and return to work was looming. I'm back at work now but that's a whole different blog post!
Anyway, I hope your Christmas was as magical as ours was! We've made lots of new 'first' memories and took so many photographs which we'll be able to look back on over the years.
Christmas is is a completely different affair when you have a little one, and it';s just going to get better each year as he gets older.
On Christmas Eve we all wore our new Christmas PJ's and watched Christmas films before a sleepy little sausage fell asleep on the settee.After the little man went to sleep Santa (aka Mammy and Daddy) brought out all the pressies. The stash pictured were just the gifts from us and other family members. It's crazy that a baby, not even 11 months old got some many gifts! After a rare family lie in we finally got down to present opening. He was rather excited by the brightly coloured wrapping paper and after a little bit of persuasion finally started opening presents.]One of the little mans main presents was a fab Little Tikes three in one bike. Once he'd opened it he wouldn't leave the wheels alone and we ended up going for a little Christmas Day walk before having our dinner.
I made my very first Christmas Dinner this year. I impressed myself. It tasted great, everything was cooked on time and ever the washing up afterwards wasn't too stressful.
The little man had his very first Christmas Dinner too. I gave him a little bit of everything which he rammed into his mouth and threw on the floor.
Christmas was rather special this year and surprisingly stress free. We usually end up driving all over the place, visiting family and friends and it made such a refreshing change to be at home alone, just us. I hope we can do the same next year too.