I never go crazy with back-to-school shopping. Maybe a few new outfits for myself, of course, since I also go back to school, but I don't go nuts for the kids. This year, I was determined to be very practical, and buy only what the girls really need. I was excited to be again part of Walmart's Frugal Heroes challenge, where I could set a goal (mine was back to school outfits, "etc") and see what I could accomplish with $100.
My first step was assessing the closets and dressers, putting away anything Frannie had outgrown to save for her younger sister, and donating anything Maggie was finished with. Next, I wrote out a list of what would be required for both girls for the Fall.
Frannie: a first day of school outfit (this is usually the picture day outfit as well), some long sleeved shirts, fall pj's, socks, underwear, indoor shoes, and a few school supplies.
Maggie: absolutely nothing. I know, my husband (the 8th of 9 kids) always reminds me that the youngest one shouldn't get ripped off all the time just because the hand-me-downs are available, but the child (five years old, may I remind you) has 20 pairs of jeans! No, that is not a typo! Between her sister's castoffs and items that have been handed down from other friends and relatives, she needs absolutely nothing. Plus, she's going into SK and doesn't exactly require a lot of supplies. If this new kindergarten program is so great, why aren't they using scientific calculators and protractors yet? Just kidding.
So, I headed to my nearest Walmart (with Grandma in tow, to keep Maggie occupied) and got started. Here's how I made out:
Frannie's back to school outfit:
Some cozy pj's:
Long-sleeved tops ($4 each!)
Socks and underwear: (This was a great teaching moment, as we compared which would be the better buy - 7 pairs for $6, or 5 pairs for $6.)
A few school items (as a teacher, I know it's smart to wait until the list comes home the first day, so we aren't buying anything unnecessary. Also, we will be shopping our house first - sorry, Walmart! - because I know there are lots of erasers, scissors, etc. kicking around that will suit the purpose just fine).
Indoor shoes (Me: Are you sure you're fine with lace-ups now? Daughter: Yes. I think they look more mature.) On a related note - please don't send your child with party shoes or flip flops for indoors. Especially if your child goes to my school and gets to use the gym every day.
And I caved...I had to buy a first day/picture day outfit for Maggie too! I mean, 20 bucks for this? How could I resist?
Here's a shot of the complete haul, all for $100 (plus tax...but I was pretty darn close!) Now we're all set for back to school!
While I am certainly not sharing any photos, I challenged myself to stock up on my own back to school items (deodorant, contact lens solution, shampoo, conditioner, a new lunch bag, vitamins, a broom...and some unmentionables - okay, hair colour) for under $100, and managed to do that as well. (Husband: So they gave you $200 to spend? Me: Uh, not exactly...)
Thanks, Walmart...time to go put everything away now!
Disclosure: I was provided with a $100 Walmart gift card to complete the Walmart Frugal Heroes challenge. Opinions are, as always, my own.