Here are cheap deals, discounts and sales for the Oumier Wasp Nano RDA V2. Buy one of these atomizers for only $12.79 when using the code " NRV2". You can pick from six different color options including Black, Gold, Blue, Red, Green, and Clear.
Oumier's Wasp Nano V2 RDA has a few upgrades to the previous Wasp Nano S RDA. Comparing it to the last release, it's slightly smaller, coming in at 24mm in diameter. Included in the box, you'll get both a BF pin and standard 510, so you can use it on a variety of devices.
The Oumier Wasp Nano RDA V2 sports a four-post build deck and thanks to the design, it's compatible with both single and dual coil builds. What's even better is that there are two different top caps included, one for the dual coil builds and the other for the single coil. Lastly, the side airflow system provides a smooth draw and with the size of this atty, you'll be getting awesome flavor.
For the price of this atomizer, you simply cannot go wrong. The Oumier Wasp Nano V2 RDA offers updates to the originals, making it a worthy successor. If you prefer rebuildable tanks, then be sure to look at their Wasp Nano V2 RTA.
Oumier Wasp Nano 24mm V2 RDA Features:
- Primarily constructed from stainless steel material
- Overall diameter: 24mm
- Deep juice well
- Four post build deck
- Adjustable side airflow
- Single coil and dual coil top cap
- Compatible with a squonk/BF pin