Books Magazine

OTL: Monkey Do Project #monkeydo

By Librarygirl @LibraryGirlRead
OTL: Monkey Do Project #monkeydo
During the Thanksgiving and Christmas season many of us reflect on what we have and how we can share the abundance that we have with others. Even if we do not see our lives as overflowing, during this time of year it seems that the spirit of generosity takes over as we appreciate the people and things in our lives and want to share that joy with others. But what happens when that season is over? While non-profit organizations certainly appreciate the outpouring of support and donations they receive during the holidays, their mission does not stop simply because a new year begins and we all get back into our regular routines. There are still needs to be met and people to help. Generous, joyful giving should be a year round occurrence.
Throughout this year I am going to be sharing with you each month about an organization that has become an inspiration for me. Monkey Do Project is based in Indiana and sends aid to the people of the Appalachian region here in the United States. So often when we think of extreme poverty we think of third world countries but really it is here in our own backyard as well. Please watch this video to see why it is so important that the people in this area get some help.
Monkey Do Project has several different initiatives going on at all times. Some are ongoing projects with no end in sight while other projects meet a specific need during a certain time frame. Please visit to see all of the ways that you can help either by donating directly or by shopping in the Monkey Do Project Store.
Note: All opinions presented in book and product reviews are my own. Opinions presented in posts authored by others reflect the view of the author only and not necessarily my view or opinion. If a product was given to me for review, the source of that product is noted in the post. Amazon and Book Depository links are affiliate links and I do earn a small amount for each purchase. Other affiliate links will be noted in the post.

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