Politics Magazine

Osprey Return to Stratford, Connecticut!

Posted on the 20 May 2016 by Jezebel282


So, another rumor floating around is that there is an Osprey Nest behind the Fire Station on Main Street. The Fire Chief parks his Town-provided vehicle directly under the utility pole where the Osprey are nesting.  Interesting fact is that the Osprey pairs have returned to this same site year after year adding to their nest.  They lay their eggs in April and the incubation period is about a month long.  The first flight of young osprey takes place about sixty days after hatching.  So, right now, they would still be in the nest, and would remain there for about two months.  So, that would put them into July or August.

Well, what I have heard is that because the Osprey were dropping nesting materials on to the vehicle, a contractor was hired (the taxpayers paid about $4,000) to remove the nest. The nest was rebuilt by the Osprey.

I wonder if the powers that be who hired the contractor know that disturbing the Ospreys is prohibited under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and the Connecticut General Statutes Section 26-92.

Curious question: Why didn’t the Fire Chief just park his car elsewhere?

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