Debate Magazine

Osiris - Robert Bauval - Jesus Cult and the Osiris Myth

Posted on the 23 May 2016 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

Osiris - Robert Bauval - Jesus cult and the Osiris myth

the golden capstone

you might think this early Osiris or Ancient Pyramid Mythology video from renowned egyptologist and conceptualist Robert Bauval is about the building of the great pyramids and their pagan worship. Well, it kinda is, but this is merely a pseudo-historical device to introduce the concepts of Christ or Jesus or post-Osiris one-godness or Your Entire Belief system be you catholic or protestant or gnostic or muslim...
Sure, this video is riddled with technical inconsistencies and errors of timescale unless I've read it wrong, like the Giza Pyramids being built in 10,000 BC but the shafts within those pyramids being relevant to star positions in 2,500 BC ... kinda wierd and off-putting. And this video was made in a time before the pyramids were seen as some sort of Ancient Technology energy generater based around the splitting of water into electrical potential. And I don't really trust Bauval's ideas in their entirity, as they've changed over the years. But this 'project slip' happens with all thinking and the real important concept Bauval addresses (and it's not one of his own) is the reapportioning of the Osiris myth into the Matthew-gospel'd Nativity story of Jesus, of all Christianity.
1) the three magi - three 'wise men' following a star, like the three stars of Orion
2) the star of the east - announcing re-birth, like the solsticial reappearance of Sirius
3) the holy family seeks refuge - in Heliopolis, literally the birthplace of the pagan Osiris cult...

What is this Freemasonic ruling-elite cult-ure that's permeated modern top-down hierarchic control? And who is this (very western-named) 'Matthew' who wrote one of the four gospels (written in Greek for a Jewish audience) and what was his original agenda in doing so, in incorporating the Osiris myth into 'his telling' of the Jesus story? And who (or what, ultimately) is this invention Jesus? What real function does His infiltration into our collective psyches serve, for these Ancient Egyptian ruling elite now embedded in the governing of our modern world, our Free Planet?

in fact, from the earliest editorial moments in the above video BIG BANG THEORY (as recorded at the dawn history via the Osiris Myth) is the basis of life in this universe... something very suspicious is going on in our minds such that we're being scientifically manipulated to believe total and utter paganistic bullshit masquerading as the two-headed creation science+religion. It was evident from the earliest times that these two were always partners in crime.

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