Lifestyle Magazine
I love the color orange! As part of our color themed wedding series, I started getting excited to see how brides and grooms had intertwined non traditional colors into their weddings.
While orange might not be your color or perhaps not a hue you would select for the walk down the aisle, take a minute to look at some of the lovely ways some creative planners have managed to make this look nothing short of enchanting.
Coming from the Northeast where the trees are breathtaking in the fall with all shades of autumn, orange almost seems like a natural selection. When we think of this color we imagine it much like its namesake the fruit yet there are many intensities and shade variations you can choose.
This very natural bouquet with a spray of roses and garden flowers is very subtly orange.
Another great invitation by .
There were many beautiful table settings showing off the beauty of this color so I selected a nighttime wedding possibility and one for the day as well.
There are all different degrees from the very formal of the picture below to the loose and fun presentation of the candy bar shown above.
A lovely wedding cake adorned in orange Tropicana roses...stunning.
Deborah Stilettos