Spirituality Magazine

Oprah Winfrey Channels Her Inner Diana Ross For O’ Magazine

By Firstladyb


Oprah Winfrey Channels Her Inner Diana Ross For O’ Magazine
Oprah Winfrey is getting her entire life on the February cover of O’ Magazine.

For the February cover, Oprah Winfrey gives us a peek behind the scenes as her team pulled out her inner Diana Ross, because as Oprah says,”everybody has an inner Diana.”

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Oprah unleashed her inner Diana Ross with big curly hair, while a textured ponytail with pink, magenta and purple accents gave the future President a little edge.

“I’m kind of liking it,” Oprah said at the shoot. “The fact that I’m now turning to pink means the world is changing.” The trifecta was complete with a sassy shag that gave Oprah her fringe back, prompting our cover girl to quip, “I haven’t had bangs since 1992!“

Oprah Winfrey Channels Her Inner Diana Ross For O’ Magazine
Pic Credit: Photographed for O Magazine by Ruvena Fanador

This is everything, and Oprah is truly every woman.

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