Politics Magazine

Opposing Donald Trump's Immigration Ban

Posted on the 01 February 2017 by Jobsanger
Opposing Donald Trump's Immigration Ban
The picture above and the statement below are from the Facebook page of Renee Wetzel (whose family has been victimized by terrorists).
This has been heavy on my heart the last few days and I have felt the need to say something. 
As the widow of someone who was murdered by terrorists, I can understand that sometimes it is easy to give into your fears and to want to blame someone or something for what is happening. However, regardless of your political leanings, Trump closing our borders to certain countries is a basic human rights issue. Banning entire groups of people whose only crime is where they were born is not the right answer. This is against everything our country stands for. Not all Muslims are terrorists and we, as a country, should not be lumping them together like they are. #ChooseLove
Matthew 25:31-46

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