Opinion Battels Round 16
Favourite Batman Villain
Suicide Squad is hitting the cinema with a host of Batman enemies getting their own film, we always need a good villain to go up against the Dark Knight and we have had plenty to pick from.
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Darren – Movie Reviews 101
Scarecrow first appeared in Batman Begins and was his first appearance in film universe, this was a risk to do because in the reboot we could have just jumped in with a more iconic villain for the non-comic book fans like myself could relate too. Scarecrow isn’t even the lead villain in this film but his scenes come off as the scariest in the superhero genre and the idea that he could be a doctor who is really out there doing this without having any powers, strengths or money funding him. I will also bring up the fact the game Arkham Asylum gives us the most terrifying moment in the game.
Kim – Tranquil Dreams
I’m not much of a comic book connoisseur but from the movies, my favorite villain has to be Catwoman from Michelle Pfeiffer’s portrayal or Anne Hathaway’s. Catwoman is not full on villain but she has a lot of vengeance and she’s a little crazy but she’s got some sweet cat-like moves. Maybe none of these are concrete reasons but I’m always a little excited to hear when Catwoman gets a spot in a movie.
The Joker
Favorite Batman villain? Damn… I’m not some big Batman fan so I’ll have to go with the obvious: The Joker. My first real exposure to Batman was as a teen when Tim Burton’s Batman came out. I was already a Jack Nicholson fan & I absolutely loved his Joker and really geeked out over his character for a while. I think Christopher Nolan’s Batman films are overrated (sorry!) but I do like The Dark Knight thanks to Heath Ledger’s fantastic performance as The Joker. Had it not been for Heath, I really wouldn’t care about Nolan’s trilogy at all. So, yeah – The Joker has actually been my favorite thing about all the Batman movies I’ve seen so that’s my answer.
Richard – The Humpo Show
The Joker
There was only one choice for me. The Dark Knight is also one of my favorite all time films, let alone Batman film. And a lot of that is down to Ledger’s Joker, who is perhaps the most well known villain now due to the untimely death of Ledger. This role of his has gone in history as one of the best, and he is now synonymous with the Joker. Not much to add, as I’m sure plenty of others will say everything that was perfect about Ledger’s Joker.
Tom – Plain Simple Tom Reviews
“It’s not about what I want, it’s about what’s FAIR!”
I think that the character of Harvey Dent/Two Face is fascinating. I love his unique, skewered view of justice, that it’s ultimately all about luck and that flipping a coin to decide the fate of his victims is unbiased and fair. His central motif of duality is so fascinating and this makes him one of Batman’s more interesting adversaries.As for movie portrayals, I’m mainly referring to Aaron Eckhart’s excellent portrayal of Dent in “The Dark Knight”; even though he spends most of the film as Gotham’s white knight, his transformation into Two Face is really wonderful, mesmerising and is one of the story’s most intriguing developments. I just wish that we could have seen more of Eckhart in that particular role.Also, the character design and associated visual effects are extraordinary – it is an absolute joy to see him on screen.
Daniel – Dellens 456
While I’m assuming that everyone will pick the Joker because he is a great character, I am at the bottom of the leader board so might as well just go with my fav, Two-face (Harvey Dent). Two-face turned evil when a mob boss threw chemicals at his face causing a horrific scar. He uses a coin to decide if he will be evil or not. I love how unpredictable he is because his next action can be determined by a flip of a coin. This could make him the most dangerous villain from Batman because one minute he could be having a nice, calm conversation with and the next minute want you dead.
Anthony – Poetry, books, movies and music
I know everyone will say the Joker, but I’m going with Bane played by Tom Hardy in The Dark Knight Returns. Why? It is because he is one of the few foes Batman faces in any of the Nolan movies or the movies that came before it that actually gave Batman a true physical challenge. The Joker, Ra’s, The Scarecrow, and others were more mental foes, but with Bane Batman/Bruce Wayne actually had an opponent that could kill him with his bare fists. He also put Batman out of commission and made him watch as he destroyed Gotham. To me that makes him a great foe. He broke him and then mentally tortured him. There wasn’t a villain in any of the movies that did that to him. Just my two cents.
Drew – Drew’s Movie Reviews
The Joker
My favorite thing about Batman’s film and TV history is that each version of Batman has its own unique version of the Joker. The Adam West Joker is different from the Jack Nickolson Joker, which is different from Mark Hamill’s animated Joker, which is different from Heath Ledger’s Joker from the masterpiece that is The Dark Knight, which is different still from Jared Leto’s latest incarnation of the character. Each actor has brought their own spin on the character, giving each generation their own version of Batman’s most notorious villain. Since no two Jokers have been alike, you can’t really compare them which you can’t find with most adaptations of characters. This versatility of the character is why he is my favorite Batman villain.
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