Charity Magazine

Operation Smile: The Journey Home

Posted on the 20 May 2012 by Ophine @TheJosephine

Operation Smile Philippines are in need of the following Medical Volunteers! 

Operating Room NursesWard Nurses Anesthesiologist, Speech PathologistBiomed TechnicianPlastic SurgeonDentistMedical PhotographerPediatricianMedical Records SpecialistFrom these areas:PampangaManilaCaviteNagaBacolodCebuCagayan De OroGeneral SantosSouth CotabatoIloiloMindoroDavaoBenefits of a Medical VolunteersQualified / Credentialed Volunteers will be given proper training and receive certification from American Heart Association (AHA) in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Life Support (BLS). You can't find this training just anywhere and Operation Smile will give it to credentialed medical volunteers for FREE, as Operation Smile Philippines is the first organization recognized as a global and mobile international training organization (ITO) of the American Heart Association.Travel incentives - Operation Smile Philippines was able to send 31 of its volunteers to 10 countries where international missions are held, (China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Russia, Thailand, East Timor, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Bolivia, Brazil) Calling for Non-Medical Volunteers During missions, non-medical volunteers assist in patient mobilization, final screeningpatient assistance, physical set-up, photo and video documentation and other non-medical tasks that may be required.  you can join Chatters Care For Kids Inc. as a non-medical volunteer as our objective is to help in future missions of Operation Smile especially on the 30th anniversary in November, so if you are living in these areas,  Pampanga, Manila, Cavite, Naga, Bacolod, Cebu, Cagayan De Oro, General Santos, South Cotabato, Iloilo, Mindoro and Davao , sign up belowNon-Medical Volunteers can include bloggers who can cover the event, photographers and videographers who can document the event, Filmmakers who can make a video for Operation Smile, Masscom students and graduates who can also help in making videos for Operation Smile, Graphic Artists who can make brochures, flyers, posters that will be mass produced by Operation Smile  and anyone who have the kind heart and has a will to help change a child's life. Be a Non-Medical Volunteer - Sign up here - Care For Kids Inc. is doing a Tinapay at Inumin Campaign where Non-Medical Volunteers can bring bakery products , juices or bottled water that we can give to the parents,patients, and volunteers during a mission..This will help cut down Operation Smile expenses so they can buy more medical supplies and do more surgical operations, instead of using their fund to feed the volunteers.Non-Medical Volunteers can also bring Coloring books and Crayons and play with the patients so they won't worry about their upcoming surgery.----ATTENTION: Looking for more patients with cleft lip/cleft palate for the May 30 to June 3, 2012 Ospital ning Angeles (Rafael Lazatin Memorial Hospital ) Pampanga Operation Smile Mission Patients  can register through KDF (kapampangan development foundation)Call or Text Benigno Ricafort President - KDF (045) 4580027 / 09175628673On May 22, 2012 they will have free lab/xray for harelip/cleft Patients--The simplest way to HELPIf you can't be a volunteer or a sponsor, you can help change a life, by just spreading this news in your blog, into your social networking accounts, and by telling them to your friends,If you have time please like Operation Smile Philippines and Chatters Care for kids Facebook Page as you'll be also spreading the news

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