He can fix or build just about anything and I am always right there by his side...
Dad calls me his right-hand pup. I must admit, it's not an easy job.
He asks me lots of
We make a great pair, we really do!!
Our most recent project was "operation fire pit". You may have caught a glimpse of it in my watermelon post.
Dad says if you don't have a 14 yr old, you should really get one, that way they can do all the hard labor.
I say you should get one because they are great for sneaking you snackies!!!
First we dug out all the grass and I had to make sure to sniff out EVERY piece of dirt...

Here I am taking a break, we take lots of breaks - Dad says it's a Union thing...

And here is the finished project...

Dad says he can't wait to roast some puppies....
Ummm, excuse me????