Celeb Magazine

Open Post: Hosted By This Dad’s Blazing Hot Michael Jackson Moves

Posted on the 19 November 2017 by Sumithardia

Open Post: Hosted By This Dad’s Blazing Hot Michael Jackson Moves


Here’s your dad revealing his deepest secret to the world. He was a backup dancer for a Michael Jackson tribute band called Bubbles the Chimp for a brief period in the 1980s. Mashable was kind enough to bring us this guy breaking it down for all of us while dancing to the MJ songs on the PA before a Janet Jackson show in Brooklyn on Wednesday night. Apparently, the routine’s from the “Remember The Time” video?

No one in that auditorium had better thrown any shade this dude’s way. People were probably tee-heeing thinking they were better than this guy cuz’ THEY weren’t making fools of themselves by emulating the King of Pop. Well, those h8ers were wrong! This guy has ALL the balls! This sort of gutsy performance is only made possible by intense courage, natural rhythm, and as few fucks as humanly possible.

This man was FEELING IT!!! #JanetJackson #MichaelJackson #StateOfTheWorldTour

A post shared by Nico Vargas-Germain (@ridiculous__nicholas) on Nov 15, 2017 at 5:16pm PST

Pic: Instagram

Source: Open Post: Hosted By This Dad’s Blazing Hot Michael Jackson Moves

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