Whew! I made it through another whirlwind week with the successful launch of 540WMain’s open house on Friday May 27, 2016. Between last weekend’s expo and this past Friday’s open house I think I’ve worked more in two weeks than the last three years and slept even less. However, the success of both events underscore all the late late nights, long days and over nighters.
Friday’s Open House was more than amazing and I cant’ thank Carley Brown , Eleanor Coleman, Calvin Eaton Sr. and everyone else that helped me make it a success. The Open House also doubled as the first 540Gallery monthly showcase where the space transforms into an art gallery wall showcasing work of local Rochester artists. My dear friend Carley Brown couldn’t have been a better pick for this inaugural endeavor. Her work is amazing and her heart is big. Thank you Rochester for showing the love and helping us grow the Susan B. Anthony District one event at a time.
Check out the pictures of our fun below!