Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Open Heart Syndrome for the Connection You Have to Yourself and Others!

By Clarkkent07 @lpatterson1017


Defragment your mind to unlock your heart… In connection one of the most profound things that happens can happen and is happening more an more frequently. We are discovering that there is more to connection that we may have missed or ignored. Just as we all share the same thing as all living things on the planet that connect us, yes the heartbeat that gifts aliveness! We know we are connected the same as someone sitting next to us in a restaurant, we know we are the same as someone who is watching a tv show in the home next to us. Then comes something else a feeling of someone who’s heartbeat beats in the same frequency with us. This shared experience can only be felt when the now is all there is and nothing matters, judgments fall to the way side, acceptance is accepted for what we are, who we are, without any exceptions. We fully embrace what is! When this happens the defragmenting will start as some form of counter device to make it not real, or that we don’t deserve it. The lies are in place that we are who we think we are, and therefore permission granted for the mind to state, we will suffer the consequences of the mind that has identified with a story, the story of the poor little me, and I can only be the hero of the story if this feeling in my heart that is shared in this frequency can become the answers to all my problems to mainly remove my horrible past, my horrible way I view myself all based in my own thinking. The truth however is not something that we can accept, which is that we in fact are able to see ourselves brighter in the light, to place into healing, to rebirth or birth into what we are in the truth. The vibration is strong and it is pointing outward, and inward as to say you can’t have this according to human law.. and in truth that is correct. The mind has a story and this story will signify that something you did, or said which can have shame, guilt, etc. Is not able to be exposed. The option for transparency because of self judgment is no longer available, and the fear that comes with it is.. Is the lie for you are stuck as the time traveler replaying events over and over and truly start to see the truth about what is HELL… you can’t see it because of the lies.. But HELL is Repetition ( thought processes based in a story that repeats in the mind and makes you suffer in your NOW).. anything that says hide and keeps you from exposing the defragmenting the mind wants to do to keep you in time has it’s power over you. The curse itself is your thinking and pointing saying it is them and not me and you will repeat this statement till you go deep inside and ask the right question why do I have the same thoughts producing the same actions? The answer is the question and just then when you truly see this, you see the choice to break free by accepting this is what is happening to you, and you can truly embrace this energy and see that by embracing you can find the switch to stop it, and then take the energy and make it something more beautiful. HELL IS BEAUTIFUL when you see it in this way and accept what door is before you that says no more repeating thoughts! It is trying to get you to go through the door which is the connection you can have to yourself! Your salvation in being is seeing that what is being defragmented is only allowing you to put the truth in it removing the lies… So that the truth is imprinted on your soul… You are worthy, you are wonderful, you are amazing, you are lovable, and deeply, and truthfully, permission is you breaking free NOW or not at all. That is what is inside the higher vibration, and higher frequency, the deep shaking motion to break the thinking that binds you, and puts you inside to put the truth that is stated here to become love in a deep states of being. You are the truth! See it to be it, accept it to love it! Connection starts with you and continues with you, don’t let your mind tell you otherwise! Love deeply, Clark

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