The play is an adaptation of "Oresteia" by Aeschylus, with text written by Jay Crisostomo IV. The production design will be by Gino Gonzales, sound and music design by Teresa Barrozo and direction by Ricardo Abad and Myra Beltran.
It will be staged at the Ateneo Loyola Schools this July 2013.
The auditions will be for the roles of Agamemnon, Klytemnestra, Agisthos, Cassandra, Orestes, Electra, Pylades, Koro (6-8 people).
(1) Please be prepared to read a text piece or two in Filipino.
(2) Please show a one-minute movement routine following a given piece of music.
(3) Please be ready as well to explore sounds through voice.
All who pass the auditions are expected to join the movement workshop with Myra Beltran before a final cast selection is made. The workshop will be held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 3 weeks from April 24 (Wednesday) to May 10 (Friday), 5–8 p.m.
Selected cast members will continue with movement workshop and regular rehearsals. By late May or June, rehearsals will proceed daily from 7 to 10 p.m.
Workshop venue will be announced after the auditions.
Ateneo students who complete the three-week workshop will be entitled receive a three-unit credit upon enrollment in the course FA 190 (Special Topics) during the First Semester of SY2014-2015.
For details and queries, visit www.facebook.com/tanghalangateneo or the Facebook events page at www.facebook.com/events/631834763509186.