Fashion Magazine

OOTD: Rainy Day Alternative

By Irene Gomes @PetitePlusMeow

It’s a full week of rain in Toronto … and although I’ll happily take it over snow, I’m always looking for alternatives so I can avoid carrying around a giant umbrella to get from A to B in the city.

I have the best pair of galoshes!!! These pink paisley rubber boots basically screamed “Irene” when I scored them a million years ago from Wal-Mart.

But sometimes, a girl doesn’t want to be in humid rubber boots all day.  Plus, these boots don’t exactly go with ever look and outfit.  ;)

So here’s what I put together as a Rainy Day Alternative recently … in an effort to rid myself of an umbrella and galoshes.

The solution: A giant hat + booties!


Now naturally, this alternative is only good if the temperature is warmish (15+) and rain not too heavy so your footwear doesn’t get ruined.  Since my jacket was 3/4 sleeved (and extremely light), pairing it with this fun scarf helped give me that extra bit of warmth.  If you wanna see the many other ways to tie a scarf, I’ve got you covered in that link :)

Since the overall color scheme was pretty simple and muted, I thought I’d add a pop of color by wearing this HOT Pink gold studded belt to give my outfit some pizzazz!



I’ve been all over this circle scarf I picked up back in November from Aldo (I even mentioned it in my Interview upon being nominated for a 2014 LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD).   It’s a light-weight simple beige toned bird patterned scarf, that I find myself adding to any and all outfits I whip up, especially on the weekends for running errands or impromptu meet-ups for brunch, drinks and the like.

Like the look?  What are your solutions to looking cute in the rain?


How I Got The Look:

Bird circle scarf, Aldo Accessories (click here for related other posts)

Pink paisley galoshes, Wal-Mart (click here for related other posts)

3/4 sleeved brown jacket, AdditionElle

Black n’ white striped long-sleeved dress, Old Navy

Hot pink studded belt, Your Big Sister’s Closet

Large cream brimmed hat, Toronto Vintage Clothing Show(click here for related other posts)

Faux cowboy booties, Payless( click here for related other posts)


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