If you’ve had an email or WordPress notification ping of a new post on The Anxious Gardener called ‘September Days’ you’re possibly a little confused. I can only apologize. Truth is – I’m an idiot. This morning I started a very rough draft for a new post and, rather than clicking the ‘Save Draft’ button, my fat fingers hit the ‘Publish’ button. How I shrieked. How the air turned a deep, dark, violet-blue.

I’ve since tried to delete all references to ‘September Days’ but I’m not sure I’ve succeeded. So please toss any notification of that post into your virtual waste-paper basket. If you’ve ever experienced that icy, bony-fingered clench on your bowels at making such a simple, school-boy/girl error, you’ll know how I felt. (Though why I felt taking my shirt off would help is anyone’s guess).
Anyway, sorry. I’ll publish ‘September Days’ (again) soon. (And WordPress.com? Please add an ‘Are you really sure you wish to publish, oh fat-fingered one’ secondary confirmation button. Please).