Readers, in light of the overabundance of tragic news from around the world, I am beginning a new project. Every Thursday I will be posting links to things that have happened in our world that are good; activities and people who bring humor, light, and justice to our world. I would love for you to participate.
Each week I hope to bring your attention to one picture and five different articles, essays, or events that speak to that which is good.
If you see something during the week that stood out to you, that made you smile and say "this is good!" then please send it on! I will feature it and attribute the content to you.
New Citizens Hold Their Heads High, 102 Floors Above New York:On Tuesday, high above the city on the 102nd floor of the One World Trade Center, 30 immigrants were sworn in as citizens of the United States. A judge who is the son of a refugee from Nazi Germany presided over the ceremony, the first ever to be held at this observatory.
"How fortunate we are to have you here, contributing your hopes, your aspirations, your skills, your heritages, your music, your culture, your literature, your food to the tapestry of this nation...The American story is your story." Judge Katzmann, chief judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
PSG's Neymar becomes Ambassador for Handicap InternationalFootball (Soccer for Americans) star, Neymar, who made a huge move from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain earlier this month, is using his fame to promote Handicap International's work giving dignity and empowering those who live with disabilities. Neymar will be acting as ambassador for Handicap International.
Neymar, wearing a T-shirt with "repair lives" written on the front, appeared in Switzerland on Tuesday, standing on top of a 39-foot wooden sculpture entitled "Broken Chair," which the organisation said was "erected 20 years ago by Handicap International in front of the United Nations headquarters in Geneva to call for a ban on antipersonnel landmines." "I would like to begin by thanking you all for what you do for the least visible in the world, so they become more visible. I have to say that I am very pleased to be here and to be the new ambassador." "I Love Pakistan's People More than it's Mountains"It's not surprise how much I love my adopted country, so I read this article about a British mountaineer with a smile. Vanessa O'Brien is a 52-year-old American-British mountaineer who recently scaled K-2, one of the highest mountains in the Himalayan range and a mountain that is more difficult to climb than Mount Everest. Only 400 people have made the climb, and Vanessa is the 20th woman to successfully reach the summit. She carried both Pakistani and America flags to the top. On Tuesday, she said that the warmth and love she received in Pakistan was matchless.
O'Brien told media in a news conference at a local hotel here that she had found Pakistani people loving and caring. "I love Pakistan, its people and will like to travel it again,"Blogger's note: If you would like to see some beautiful pictures of some of the mountains in Pakistan, take a look here.
Malala Yousafzai, Shot by the Taliban, Is Going to OxfordI still remember writing the story in 2012 about Malala called 14-Year-Old Courage. As most of you know, Malala was only 14 when she was shot in the head and neck while leaving her school in the Swat Valley of Pakistan. And today the news comes that she is going to Oxford! It is an amazing accomplishment by an amazing young woman.
"Amid the rush of joy, disappointment or dashed expectations for the thousands of students across Britain receiving their A-level results, Ms. Yousafzai's news carried special weight on social media. The author Emma Kennedy wrote simply, 'Take that, Taliban.'" 5 Tips To Reduce Stress Using Humor, Your Best WeaponWe laugh in our family. A Lot. Nothing is beyond humor, there is little that is so sacred or sad that we can't see a lighter side. In fact, I believe that laughter is a holy gift and I often wonder what it would be like to sit with Jesus and enjoy laughter - not at someone else's expense, but just to laugh at the whimsy of life.
"The signs of stress are all too familiar: the quickening heartbeat, tense muscles and explosive reaction to something small. Avoiding situations that test your patience may be impossible, but it is possible to reduce stress accompanying these unpleasant events. The secret, say the experts, lies in one crucial art: finding the humor....Humor and laughter are not the same, explains Dr. Steven Sultanoff, Ph.D, clinical psychologist and professor at the University of Berkeley. 'Humor is something that triggers laughter. Laughter is a physical response.' Although research has found that laughter can lessen the effects of depression and reduce stress levels, focusing on humor is the best starting point. Looking for the humor in a moment, says Sultanoff, changes how we think, feel and process difficult situations."Lastly, I want end with a beautiful poem that speaks to our great need for healing.
A Prayer for a Torn Nationby Kaitlin Curtice
Somewhere between the "us" and "them" you're holding together the least of these. Somewhere completely outside of all of this, you are ushering in a kingdom not of this world, one that rights all wrongs and rules in love.***
Unite in full grace all that is divided. Mend in full love all that is torn. Resurrect us, we pray.What is your #Onlythe good thing to share? I would love to hear it through the comments!