Religion Magazine

Online Mincha Will Meet at 1:15

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Remember the psak from Chief Rabbi Rav Yitzchak Yosef that allows, as a bdieved, one who is unable to go to shul for services to watch a minyan online and it would be considered as davening with a minyan?
That is now happening. The horses have left the stable.
The organization Ayelet Hashachar now have a live broadcast of services from their shul in Modiin. Ayelet Hashachar is broadcasting services of Shacharis, Mincha (twice - once early and once later in the afternoon), and Maariv.
You can see the broadcast online at
They have a disclaimer on the site saying that davening via the online broadcast would not be considered "tefilla btzibbur", but it would be beneficial for the preference in halacha of davening ins sync with a local minyan when one cannot actually be present. I would note that this is not what Rav Yitzchak Yosef said - he paskened that it would be tefilla btzibbur but can only be used in bdieved situations such as someone who is sick or for other reasons cannot physically go to shul - not just someone who is lazy and does not want to bother going.
Once the horses have left the stable, bringing them back in is not so easy.. The psak is out there and is being used. People will use the online broadcasts however they want and nobody will be the wiser. The only thing lacking is the ability to do this for longer services such as Shabbos or holidays.. but maybe with time and technological advancements and organizations like Machon Tzmoet and others eventually that might happen as well...
By the way, I connected to the online minyan at 1:15 to see the mincha services. It ran smoothly and all was fine. I would ask that if in the video screen one sees less than ten men, is it still like davening in the minyan because there are ten in the room or must one see at least ten in the video screen to be considered a part of the minyan?
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