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Online Learning – The Successful Online Student

By Steve Bradley

Online learning has changed dramatically over the last decade. Those who previously found it difficult to continue their education now can do so from the comfort of their own home. No longer tied to finding classes that fit around 9 to 5 work schedules, this generation of web savvy user now has access to far more material than ever before.

Thanks to the development of technology and the availability of alternative teaching platforms, further education is no longer tied to the classroom. With the number of reputable online universities and training providers increasing, everyone from single parents to retired pensioners, are now able to learn new skills 365 days of the year.

While the niche market has opened up allowing any aspiring care worker access to specialist material ranging from venepuncture to catheterisation, online schooling is not without its trials.
A level of commitment and planning is required by those wishing to take advantage of flexible learning and a distinct mindset is needed if a student is to be successful online. Studying at home might seem like a good idea, but the distractions outside of the classroom come at a price. Exams still have deadlines and being able to pace yourself and focus on your objective is difficult to do without peer pressure.

At Online Care Courses we take online training seriously. This article explains how you can make the most out of web based learning and succeed where others fail.

Developing Strong Time-Management Skills

If you want to succeed as an online student, you need to plan your time carefully. Unlike traditional learning, where you must physically attend daily, online programmes often leave you work at your own speed and volition.
No-one supervises your daily activities and only you are responsible for progressing in a timely and efficient manner. Plus it’s not easy when the kids are screaming in the background or your partner has suggested a night on the town as the alternative. Only by setting aside an appropriate time to work through your course can you benefit from this type of learning, and it’s not an easy thing to do.

When you first sign up for your new course, think about the bigger picture. Set aside a specific time of day where you are free and able to login and work on your assignments without distraction. It is best to keep the time the same from day to day, and if you have family letting them know you will be unavailable during this period can help create a sense of stability in your learning.
Some people find it useful to create a course calendar every week, especially where they can’t set aside the same amount of time each day. Doing this allows you to remain focused whereby you set key targets to be accomplished at that time. It may be a single module or a set of research papers to read but if you plan these into your schedule you’ll find it easier to concentrate and keep on track.

Shorter periods of study tend to work better than cramming. Set aside at least 1 hour to study a unit of learning and once “scheduled” try wherever possible to ensure you finish what you started. Short focused study periods that are repeated regularly are able to digest better than 3 hour sessions and give you a sense of achievement even when you don’t have much time to spare.
It is easy to become side tracked or procrastinate when studying online, but strong time-managmenet skills can help remain on target and stop you failing behind.

Build a Strong Support System

Believe it or not, it is even more important to develop a strong system of support when trying to earn a qualification online, than it is when attending a traditional college or university.

For example, if you are a parent with young children at home, you may struggle to find quiet time for studying and attending online sessions.

A support system full of family members and friends who understand your goals can help you out when you are in need and will allow you to be more productive in the long run.

Knowing that the help is there if you need it can mean the difference between failure and success when attending an online school.

Along with building a system of people who support your decision of further education, it is essential that you remove those who are unsupportive as well.

If someone does not agree with your decision and is constantly standing in the way of your success, it is best to find a way to eliminate them from your daily life until your final goal is met.

Maintain Your Motivation

It is incredibly important to remain motivated when learning online. Classrooms work for some as peer pressure along with course instructors reminding you to turn in assignments or do your best, often pushes people along. It doesn’t always help achieve the best results but you tend to have to work at a set pace or fall beind and fail.
That motivation (or pressure) isn’t there when you are working alone at home. You have to commit and look at ways to maintain your motivation when you feel you aren’t progressing.

Reminding yourself of the money that is being paid for tuition and books may help motivate you to get your work done so that the cost is not in vain. In addition, setting small goals and creating rewards for yourself can help you keep on track as you earn your education.

Use All Available Resources

Many students who attend distance learning classes do not take advantage of all the resources that are available to them.

Most online schools provide learning portals that are full of unique tools such as research libraries, tutoring chat sessions, or interactive forums where students can speak with each other and helpful instructors, outside of the classroom environment.

Taking full advantage of these resources and asking questions that pertain to your specific assignments, can give you a much higher chance at success.

Online Care Courses

At Online Care courses, Care is at our Core. As well as courses ranging from Health & Social Care to Care Home Compliance we post free articles monthly on elements of care work and guides such as this.

All of our courses are designed to help applicants carefully plan their time, with each training course broken into bite size modules. At OCC, Online learning has never been easier and with our bulk user discount, ideal for Care Homes wishing to help upskill their staff, we’re more affordable than ever before.

Sign up for your 30% off the first month by clicking this link here.

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