
Online Gaming Industry Trends to Watch in 2019

Posted on the 12 August 2019 by Katy Perry
Online gaming is at its peak, and we can’t ignore the fact that the growth of the online gaming industry is just unbelievable.

2018 had been the landmark year for the online gaming industry, and we are thrilled to witness 2019 leaping ahead in terms of growth. Online gaming is not only a growing industry but a career-defining phenomenon. Especially for the Millennials.

Top 10 most successful players are under the age of 28. Well, that is dominated by the millennials -we have recently published an article where Millennials are earning dollars while playing games online

The question is, what can we expect in 2019? As the industry is multi-fold, there are many uncharted territories to explore and trust us, and we are evolving quickly. Today, we are going to talk about some of the online gaming trends for the year 2019.

online gaming trends

Before we get into the trends, we have some data points for the gaming industry globally.

  • The video games market is expected to be worth over 90 billion U.S. dollars by 2020, from nearly 78.61 billion in 2017. (BestTheNews, 2017)
  • Asia Pacific reached a revenue of 51.2 billion U.S. dollars, making them the largest gaming market in 2017. (NewZoo, 2017)​
  • By the end of 2019, the U.S. will replace China as the world’s largest gaming market, with an estimated revenue of $36.9 billion. (NewZoo, 2018)

Well, this throws the ball out of the park for the home-run for the online gaming industry. Let us now quickly get to the latest trends.

#1 – Mobile Gaming

Online Gaming Trends

The first trend is the most significant revenue-generating category in the online gaming industry. If you haven’t heard of popular games like PUBG, Fortnite, Clash of Clans then you are living in a stone age. Mobile gaming has become the primary source of earning in millions.

As the world is moving to mobile for consuming content, the gaming industry has been benefitted from the same consumer behavior. People are preferring using smartphones to laptops/desktop, and with such brilliant freemium game options, everyone is trying to make it big here. 

#2 – Innovative Online Money Games

online gaming industry trends 2019

Another big trend has seen a potential high-growth is innovative online money games. Numerous websites are focusing on this niche. If you are unaware of this term, then let us explain you in simple words.

As mobile games like PUBG, Fortnite or ESPORTS games like DOTA are slightly tricky for someone who is not a pro-gamer. However, there are plenty of websites that have simple games and can help you earn, as well. The best thing about such games is that anyone can play them and make a good buck out of it.

#3 – Live Streaming

Live Streaming Games

The third trend to look out is Live Streaming. A trend that has gained popularity after the success of PUBG and Fortnite, people are using platforms like YouTube and Facebook to live to stream their game-play and earn money with the number of views you get through the classic YouTube model. People have also created their private streaming websites to control the advertising on the platform and to invest in a long term model. 

The most famous gamer to make live streaming as one of the top trends for 2019 is Ninja. He is considered a G.O.A.T when it comes to PUBG & Fortnite. Earning in millions, he is a true inspiration and face for the gaming industry. 

#4 – eSports


We are sure, most of you who follow gaming will be familiar with the term eSports. The first commercial and professional gaming competition in the world. It is considered as a full-fledged profession for thousands of gaming enthusiasts.

With various competition across the globe, flaunting top brands as sponsors, eSports is cleary the back-bone of the gaming industry.  

#5 – AR & VR


Finally, we have Augmented and Virtual reality games. We still feel that technology comes with a cost and AR & VR is the perfect example for that. It requires more capital to build interactive games. However, the experience you get is mind-blowing. We are sure you might have experienced AR & VR in various forms.

Who can forget the viral sensation and epic time killer – Pokémon Go. The best example of augmented reality. As the online gaming industry is evolving, we are ready to see some fantastic gaming experience as well. 

So, here, the top online gaming trends to look out in 2019. Exciting times for our generation as we are witnessing a significant change in the entertainment industry. Literally!

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