I love onions. They are so strong within smell and taste. Powerful enough to literally bring tears to our eyes while we slice and handle them.
This pungent vegetable has always been a favorite of mine whether eaten raw or cooked. Onions bring out a distinct flavor along with garlic.
I love red onions in my salad. Biting into the crunchiness of the flesh causes a natural tingle and sting that indicates how potent the onions are.
When I swallow red onions a burning sensation flows through my nostrils, sometimes so bad that I have to pause before continuing to eat them.
Garlic burns too, and I love it!
The harsh tingles are nature’s release of inherent nutrients, purifiers, and restoration properties in action. They stimulate to take affect within the body.
Onions and garlic contribute highly to good health and well-being.
My grandfather used to make natural tonics- from onions that worked to knock out the common cold virus quickly. He grew up in the south, learning how to use herbs, spices, and vegetables as healing remedies from his grandmother.
Onion rings were an appetizer I once enjoyed but cut out due to it not being wise to make a habit out of eating fried foods.
When it comes to the spicy vegetable garlic, I use the contents of the bulb on just about everything!
Garlic also works as a beneficial antibiotic. I substituted garlic capsules for one of my dogs years ago until I was able to bring her to the vet to get her some amoxicillin. The garlic had really helped my dog out a lot.