Politics Magazine

One Third Put Off Medical Treatment Because Of Cost

Posted on the 10 December 2019 by Jobsanger
One Third Put Off Medical Treatment Because Of Cost The chart above is from a recent Gallup Poll. The survey was done between November 1st and 14th of a national sample of 1,015 adults, with a 4 point margin of error.
It shows the percentage of Americans who have put off treatment for a medical condition (33%) or a serious medical condition (25%) because of the cost. Those are shocking numbers. In no other developed nation does a quarter of the population put off getting medical care for a serious issue, or a third put off getting medical care for any medical issue. In other nations, health care coverage is guaranteed for all citizens.
But in the U.S., millions have no health insurance, and many more have insurance that won't cover enough of the cost of treatment. This must be fixed. And it won't be fixed as long as the Republicans remain in power. For them, medical care is just a product to be sold to those who can afford it -- not a right of every citizen.
Remember this when you vote next November.

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