I received some disappointing news this week. The non-profit organization that I work for is having funding issues and my position has been cut.
Now that you know the end of the story, let me back up on how I even got to this position – and why I’m doing ok.
In June, I was working with another company. I was quite happy and content in my job. However, I had been feeling that nudge that something was about to change. My then-boss informed me that she had a friend who was looking to fill a newly created position with their company. It would be a position that would better utilize my degree and provide more opportunities.
So, after praying and talking with my husband, I told God that I would accept this new challenge.
I enjoyed most parts of my job. It was a challenge moving into the non-profit sector, but I enjoyed that challenge. I worked out of my home and made my own schedule. I was able to travel and visit many interesting people.
But, here I am, five months later and unemployed.
Instead of being upset about the loss of my job, I’m looking for the lesson.
What was it that I was supposed to learn from my job?
Where am I supposed to go from here?
I’m starting with prayer – asking God what He has planned for my life. After all, I am here to fulfill His purpose. With ears and eyes open, I’ll be searching for His message.
Then I’m turning to family and friends – asking them what they see in me. What are my strengths? Where could they see me? Where could I give the most help?
I started this blog a few months ago because I felt another nudge from God. So instead of wallowing in self-pity, I will pour myself into my blog (in addition to searching for a new job).
I’ll keep a positive attitude. Nothing will change if I don’t keep my head high.
How to you handle changes in your life? Leave a comment below!