Society Magazine

One in Three Have Serious Plans to ‘pack up and Start Again Elsewhere’

Posted on the 19 February 2014 by 72point @72hub

 Eight in ten Brits feel they are stuck in a rut and dream of dropping everything and escaping to start a new life, a new study has revealed. A third even claim to have made serious plans to ‘pack up and start again elsewhere’, and intend to go through with them in the near future if they haven’t already.

Researchers found that the constant pressures of everyday life mean as many as 82% have days where they consider leaving it all behind and starting again away from the daily grind.

Being fed up of the daily grind, feeling unhappy in a job or simply needing a new adventure all contribute to the feeling of wanting to bail on the current situation – with the distressing British weather also a key factor.

Sarah Chapman, communications manager for SKODA UK, which commissioned the research to mark the launch of the SKODA Yeti and Yeti outdoor, said:

“These results confirm that deep down, a large number of us are dreaming of fulfilling our sense of adventure.

“Everyone has days where they get fed up with the monotony of the day-to-day life, thinking of nothing else but the weekend.

“Then you can let your hair down and do what you want to do rather than what you have to do.

“While many will make do with their lot, it seems there are some who are making serious plans to pack it all in and embark on a new adventure.”

The study of 2,000 Brits found that a third dream of escaping their current life at least once a week, while another 51% feel this way at least once a month.

More than one in twenty even admitted to having these thoughts every single day.

But while more than half put it down to being fed up with the daily grind, one in three said they felt it was because they needed a new adventure to keep them satisfied.

18% feel there are no opportunities where they are, while others said they were unhappy in their current job – and almost three in ten blamed the British weather, saying they just want to get away from the constant wind and rain.

Eight in ten also said they felt stuck in a rut, while another 80% crave more excitement in their lives.

Half of those polled also admitted that they aren’t living their life to the full.

It also emerged that 55% of Brits have had at least one moment in their life where they have taken a step back and re-evaluated their life.

Sarah Chapman from SKODA UK added:

“This feeling of needing to balance the day-to-day life and the desire for a new adventure is something we, at SKODA, can relate to.

“This is why we’ve launched our new Yeti and Yeti Outdoor – one perfect for city living, the other built for adventure.”


1. I’m fed-up of the daily grind
2. I feel like I’m stuck in a rut
3. I feel like I need a new adventure
4. I’m not happy in my job
5. I’m fed up with the British weather

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