Society Magazine

One in Five WOMEN Think Their Other Half is High-maintenance

Posted on the 22 May 2013 by 72point @72hub

One in five women reckons their man is ‘high-maintenance’, a study has revealed. Despite women stereotypically being the most attention-seeking in a relationship, researchers have found the rise of the metrosexual is leading to a wave of high-maintenance men in modern couples.

Now, women say men are more likely than ever to sulk when things don’t go their way, demand instant replies to text messages and spend longer in the bathroom than they do.

Spending a long time on their looks, wanting to be told ‘I love you’ several times a day and not leaving the house without their hair immaculately styled, were also among the list of high-maintenance traits in the modern men.

Andy Oldham, Managing Director at the UK’s biggest cashback site Quidco, which commissioned the study, said:

”Traditionally, it’s women who are thought to be high-maintenance in a relationship, but it seems men have not only followed in their footsteps, but actually taken over.

”The rise of the metrosexual has led to men taking more pride in their appearance and enjoying the finer things in life more than they ever have before.

”So it looks like the days of men not caring about their looks, what or where they eat, or how much their partner says ‘I love you’ are in the past.

”This has started to creep into our relationships and it’s no longer the women who want constant attention, or expect expensive and luxurious dates and holidays.

”This all comes at a cost though – women may need to make sure they are prepared financially if they are going to date a high-maintenance man.”

The study of 2,000 Brits found that half of all women have had a boyfriend or husband who was ‘high-maintenance’, with 19% saying their current partner is difficult to manage.

Having a strop whenever they don’t get what they want was named as the most common high-maintenance trait among men, followed by needing to have an immediate response to a text or email and hearing ‘I love you’ from a partner several times a day.

Always being late came fourth, followed by spending longer in the bathroom than their other half – taking too much time on appearances also featured.

Seventh in the list of high-maintenance signs was refusing to wear anything which isn’t branded or designer, while demanding to have phone calls answered within a certain number of rings close behind.

Constant worrying about how they look and refusing to go camping completed the top ten for men.

Avoiding public transport, only eating in ‘nice’ restaurants and wanting a present bought for them at least once a week also featured in the list.

Women don’t escape the blame though, as one in four men say their current wife or girlfriend is high-maintenance, with 57% saying they have had at least one ‘demanding’ partner in the past.

Researchers also found that Brits who have dated a high-maintenance partner spent almost £112 on gifts, extravagant dates and luxurious holidays each month to live up to their expectations.

And more than a third ended up going into debt trying to keep their high-maintenance partner happy – to the tune of £1,426 on average.

Seven in ten also admitted they worry about the cost of keeping up with the wants and needs of their other-half.

And another three quarters fret about the amount of time they have to put into making sure their high-maintenance partner is happy.

It doesn’t always work though as 80% of people in a high-maintenance relationship admitted it regularly caused rows between them, with more than half eventually splitting because of it.

Andy Oldham, from Quidco added:

”Putting up with a high-maintenance partner isn’t cheap – constant showering of gifts and keeping up with their demands can add up to a massive amount over time.

”Searching for discount codes and shopping around can really help – not only can you keep your partner happy, but you can do it on a budget too.”


1.    Have a strop/fit when they don’t get their own way
2.    Needing a reply to a text message/email straight away
3.    Need to be told ‘I love you’ several times a day
4.    Always late
5.    Spends longer in the bathroom than you do
6.    Spend a lot of time on their looks/appearance
7.    Won’t wear anything which isn’t branded or designer
8.    Need to have their calls answered within a certain number of rings
9.    Always worrying about how they look
10.    Refuses to go camping
11.    Refuses to use public transport
12.    Won’t step outside the house without their hair styled
13.    Need kisses/a certain number of kisses on the end of a text or email
14.    Refuses to walk anywhere
15.    Need their home to be spotless
16.    Constantly looking at themselves in a mirror
17.    Will only eat out at ‘nice’ restaurants
18.    Not liking to get dirty
19.    Will only stay in 4 or 5* hotels
20.    Not likely to get sweaty
21.    Will only drink bottled water
22.    Changes outfits several times a day
23.    Need to have a present bought for them at least once a week
24.    Constantly pouting
25.    Will only drink fine wine

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