One ”Coin” for All of Your Cards
0Coin is a credit card-sized device that digitally stores up to eight credit, debit or membership cards. It lets you switch between them by simply clicking one button. You are then free to use any of your stored cards in any conventional card-reader or ATM machine, in the same way as you would use your original card.
Coin comes with a mobile app, which will allow you to add, manage and sync the cards that you choose to store on your Coin. So all you need to do is swipe your credit, debit or rewards card through an attachment on your smartphone, snap a picture of the front and back, and the card’s information is stored in Coin.
Simple, right?
*Swipe your card through phone attachment

*Then take a picture of that card

*And you are good too go. You can use Coin as the previously registered card

Instead of carrying several cards you carry one Coin. Multiple accounts and information all in one place. Right now it may not sound as major ”problem solver”, but many people have seized the opportunity and pre-ordered it for $50, instead of $100 which will be charged when Coin gets launched(summer 2014). If you are still questioning the functionality or how is this technology actually applied, take a look at the following video.