Travel Magazine

Once Upon a ChaChoi Time Part 1: The Fellowship from a Text

By Mustachio @mustachio2011
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."- Lao Tzu -

Twit twit!
Received a random text message inviting me for merienda (snack) at Chatime and dinner at Choi City. Wow! A little fishy since I never entered any contest. Also, why invite a caveman like me into a palace like Choi City?

Once Upon a ChaChoi Time Part 1: The Fellowship from a Text

My reply. Fo' real!

Turns out it was really from Choi City's Marketing Officer, and Mr. Kim was actually a Ms. Kim. The best part - it's on the house! I got the hint from Babe for Food's post for Choi City.
After going past the introductions we settled for the date and time. I could invite my friends to join in. But honestly, I hesitated to go on the agreed day, thinking I'd rather keep my low profile. Being treated and having freebies, for me, somehow results in a sided opinion. I don't want that to happen. But this rare opportunity came and regardless of being low-profile or not, Mustachio has to connect, not just with fellow bloggers, but also with the establishments.
It's almost 5PM, so I'm off to Chatime and then to Choi City at 7PM. It would also be good to get some fresh air. :)
Once Upon a ChaChoi TimePart 1: The Fellowship from a Text (you're here!)Part 2: The Tea TowerPart 3: Turned to a King

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