Drink Magazine

On Women and Beer … “The Session” Nov. 2013

By Bryan Roth @bryandroth


I’m late to the party for this month’s Session post, the monthly collaboration when bloggers from around the world write on one predetermined topic and share their thoughts on the discussion of the day.

session_logo_all_text_300Everyone posted their thoughts on Friday, but here I am on Monday thanks to that whole RateBeer thing.

November’s post is “hosted” by Nichole, aka “Nitch,” over at The Tasting Nitch, aptly titled “Scary Beer Feminists“…

… let us too take one blog post to contemplate the cultural shift that gender is taking in the beer world. Feel free to write about what you want as long as it is beer and woman related!

If you’re a beer fan, you know there are lots of issues with the way the media portray the cross-section of women and beer. Typically, women beer drinkers/brewers/etc. are presented in an ‘aw, shucks, they drink beer too?’ kind of way, trivializing a woman’s love for beer, knowledge of the product or place in the beer community simply because of her gender.

I won’t regale you with all the times this has come up, but there’s this and this and this … and it goes on.

The one thing I kept thinking of – I just couldn’t shake this thought or some variation of it -  was this:

Why can’t we consistently point out that women are an important and vital part of the beer community and not a niche group necessitating special treatment? The fact that this is a question to consider in the first place is the problem.

… and just in case there was ever any doubt as to why we should hold women, beer and women who love beer in high regard, a friendly reminder…


Sure seems awfully similar to:

beer_cans_bottles_wall_from_god men and women

So cheers to women, beer and the women who love beer. In addition to all the other wonderful things you do, it’s just another reason to adore you.

+Bryan Roth
“Don’t drink to get drunk. Drink to enjoy life.” — Jack Kerouac

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