Religion Magazine

On the Right Track

By Richardl @richardlittleda

Unreached brain territory

I don’t know if it still exists, but there used to be a mission agency known as the ‘Regions Beyond Missionary Union’. I know about it because the secretary of the church I attended as a student used to make announcements about it most weeks, rolling his tongue around the syllables like a downhill skier negotiating the slalom. Whenever I look at the utterly brilliant advert below, I wonder whether there are not parts of the brain which are ‘regions beyond’ in church life. (CLICK for full size image)

On the right track

Image: adsoftheworld

I have just finished teaching a course in the church entitled; Lifeshapes: shaped by God. The aim of the course has been to encourage intentional discipleship and to help people articulate their spiritual lives to each other. Given the subject matter, I decided to try a little experiment. Each week, group tables were provided with plasticine to be shaped as part of that week’s teaching. Sometimes it was an act of worship – shaping things as they prayed. Other times it was an analytical tool – demonstrating by the shape the balance, or lack of it, in their lives. On other occasions it was used to represent a special moment in their lives or a person for whom they were praying. After some initial hesitation, many people appeared to find it a liberating experience. Right brains kicked into action, and the creativity started flowing. Not only that, but the helpful distraction of modelling an object whilst talking allowed the verbalisation of some things so close to the heart that they would otherwise have remained unvoiced.

A click on each image below will take you through some of the objects produced. Their colour, diversity, and character is a touching reminder to me of the glorious variety of God’s people.


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