In 2013 we have so far managed to notch up visits to 31 new grounds in 7 countries, but some will remain firmly in our memories more than others. The common theme here is that none of the best ones are “new builds”. The ones that make your foot tap, your spine tingle and heart skip a beat are ones that ooze history. The top three that we would heartily recommend for different reasons are:-
3rd Place – Sheffield FC – Coach and Horses Ground
The official Home of Football. Every football fan should make a pilgrimage here to shake the club warmly by the hand for giving us the game we love today. The ground isn’t actually in Sheffield – heck, it’s not even in Yorkshire but who cares when you have the best pub in the world (The Coach and Horses) next door which has 6 (SIX) Thornbridge beers on tap and some superb food. You could spend hours scanning the “members” wall which includes such luminaries as Sepp Blatter, Jack Warner and Def Leppard. The football is in someway secondary to a great afternoon out, thinking about what we would have been doing if Sheffield FC had given up on their dreams.
2nd Place – Arundel FC – Mill Road
Close your eyes and imagine the scene. It’s mid-August, the sun is shining, you have your best shorts on and a free afternoon. What else could you want? A beer? Well how about some local Arundel Gold Ale? A backdrop to the game? One of the most beautiful castles in England? Oh, go on then. Arundel’s Mill Road ground is simply picture postcard perfect. It’s hard to concentrate on the game with such a backdrop and worth the admission alone. Have I mentioned the beer? Ah ok.
1st Place – KV Kortrijk – Guldensporenstadion

Tomorrow – The best football beer