What the company has to say - This range is made in association with Demi Moore. Get bright, healthy shine to your nails with this premium nail polish. Stays long, easy to apply, fast drying.

Container Type-Bottle
Quantity-7 ml
Shade-Pink Drama(25089)
Price -Rs 399/-
Packing -Comes in an extra ordinary eye catching (packing)bottle.
How to use -Shake well Apply 2-3 even coats, dry thoroughly between each.Close cap tightly from drying.

My Take On The Product-The product lives up to the expectation
of one.Must buy and try product.

Procs -Chip-resistant
Nail paint brush is better
Travel friendly
Available OnlineAvailable on a discounted price

Discalmer-PR Sample,however the option is 100% on my experience.