Each time I pray the prayer:
” On earth as it is in heaven Jesus. Bring heaven here to my home. To my family. To this Nation.”
I always mean it.
Having children in heaven gives me more gumption when I pray that prayer. I have family members that reside in heaven, and I want the life they have. I want the authority they walk in, and the peace they grasp and walk in.
Because we are all his children, all capable of feeling his presence in a tangible way.
For years , starting when I was pregnant with our first daughter, Rhema… I would see monarch butterflies. In the most unlikely places they would show up. After a while I noticed they would appear when I was praying. Each time I saw them I would feel Holy Spirits presence, and I would smile. It was as simple as that. The butterflies made me feel loved, knowing that Jesus sent them to me as a sign of his presence.
This went on for the entire pregnancy, so much so that we named Rhema , Rhema Zoae.
( LIFE ).
For years this continued until Rhema was old enough to understand her name meaning. Now each time a butterfly appears she giggles and exclaims that it came to see her. I love the legacy of His presence I am passing down.
A few days ago my husband came home with a Monarch butterfly to show Rhema. He found it on a job site that day, and knew she would love to see it. To touch it, and hold it. It had been dead for some time, but Rhema didn’t care.
” Oh Daddy ! He came just for me! I know he was at your work for me!”
Hearing her words soaked into my spirit like a sponge. Shouldn’t we all feel like this about Jesus?
” He came just for me! “
He did.
Later that afternoon, somehow, the sweet butterfly fell out of Matt’s truck onto the ground. Rhema never noticed, but I did. I reached down to pick it up so that Rhema wouldn’t get upset, God spoke.
” Rachel, the butterfly is dead because I am going to show you more in the spirit than just this symbol. You are going to begin to feel heaven.”
That was it. No explanation . It’s my favorite when he says things like this. It keeps me on my toes. My life is boring without his voice.
The sun was beginning to set for the night, and I was getting all the children tucked in for bed. Matt was working late as he usually does on the Spring nights, and I was enjoying rocking Adah to sleep in my arms.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs , I sighed… knowing full well the task that I had before me. Dishes, laundry, traces of Goldfish crumbs and God knows what else I would have to pick up before my head could hit the pillow. Lunches to be made were calling my name, but something in my spirit told me to go outside to water the garden.
I watered the garden until the soil was soaked, and headed back inside.
Stepping up onto the patio steps to the back door, I stopped. I felt this peace come over me like never before, and from behind me I felt these little arms wrap themselves around my middle. Tightly, like a warm embrace. The hug was tight, but loving. Just like a child that missed their Momma.
It scared me, of course, so I turned around quickly.
I faced the door again, holding the door knob.
It was then I remembered what God told me that morning.
” Rachel, the butterfly is dead because I am going to show you more in the spirit than just this symbol. You are going to begin to feel heaven.”
I cannot explain to you what happened, or why.
I do not, nor do I ever claim that after a person dies that their spirits ” linger.”
We go to heaven or to hell. There is no in between.
But I do know this much. My babies that died in my womb, safe in my womb, they are in heaven. I’ve prayed for heaven to invade my earth.
I think it just did.
The word that God gave me has begun a series of encounters that I am excited to share with you. He’s a good Father.