
Omnisend Review 2023: Best Email Marketing & SMS Platform?

Posted on the 07 March 2023 by Finnichvessal

In this post, you are going to get the detailed Omnisend Review 2023 along with full features and pricing policies.

Ecommerce marketing is very much in trend these days, but it is pretty tedious and time-consuming as well.

Here marketing automation comes in handy. This is because automation is helpful in getting a massive amount of work done in less time and also fetches you better revenue.

The majority of brands these days are bringing marketing automation into use.

Amongst various categories of marketing automation tools, one such category that can boost your business and brand is email automation.

Let us begin with knowing more about Omnisend.

What Exactly Is Omnisend?

Omnisend is basically a marketing automation platform for eCommerce that provides omnichannel marketing strategies for a business.

This software is a combination of SMS, emails, social media, and many other channels on one platform. This way, marketers can boost their revenue and also reach out to more and more customers.

It has various features to offer that can help you both streamline as well as optimize all your marketing efforts, irrespective of the channel you put into use.

This software comes along with built-in templates that can help you in creating personalized emails along with the features of automating segregation as well as sending of the emails.

The platform also has Facebook Messenger and SMS marketing capabilities to offer. All these features make it simple for marketers to connect and get in touch with their customer base.

Along with all that, Omnisend is also helpful in creating both powerful as well as engaging lead forms that can improve your lead capture rates.

A successful internet business today requires a proper and well-managed email marketing solution for sending commercial messages to a group of people, using email or push notifications.

This greatly helps to enhance the relationship between a merchant and its current or previous customers. The primary reason for doing so is to build loyalty, trust, and brand awareness among customers by using emails to send advertisements and request business.

Furthermore, email marketing helps in convincing current customers to purchase something or acquiring new customers.

If done the right way, email marketing can skyrocket your business into a profitable and successful one. However, that would require special skills and tools to be employed at the right stages of an expanding business.

That's why today I will give you a quick review of an amazing email marketing platform called Omnisend.

Working Of Omnisend

Omnisend is designed in such a way that it automates all your email communications.

This saves a lot of time for the sales team, and so they can sell more.

It is straightforward to accomplish it by setting up email automation workflows that are triggered by the actions of the customers like cart abandonment, welcome series, shipping, and order confirmation, to name a few.

It becomes easy to automate the complete process of email marketing for the marketers by using the platform's features of marketing automation like the drag and drop email builder.

It can be cumbersome to gain the visibility of the activities of your customers from various channels of communications.

Omnisend has integrations with almost all the massive eCommerce solutions that make the data collection of campaign activity and shopping process a breeze.

The shopping and the information regarding the on-site browsing of the customers have collected automatically and then synced right into the platform.

This collected data can prove out to be pretty helpful for boosting the conversions as well as the performance of the campaigns.

Features Of Omnisend

Omnisend is omnichannel. This means that with Omnisend, you are able to create and pan out on multiple channels such as Emails, SMS, MMS, Facebook ads, Google ads, and more things like that.

You can easily reach out to your customers no matter the platform they use, what platform is suitable to reach them etc.

Omnisend is available for every platform your customer would be using and will use in the future.

Omnisend also facilitates you to your customer as quickly as possible without any hassle and worries.

It also provides you with delivery reports regarding that if your email or SMS or MMS or anything else was sent or not.

Omnisend has various features available to you so that it makes it easier to personalize the messages you are sending out based on the receiving customer's journey. With Omnisend, it is possible for you to set up smart triggers.

This ensures that the right customers get the right message no matter what stage of shopping they are at.

Whether they are at the browsing stage or the buying stage, they will receive the correct personalized message.

You also get marketing automation workflows that are pre-built for you, which provide the best practices no matter what the business size is.

Omnisend provides more than powerful tools to help you build relationships with customers faster and with ease too.

You can easily set up a better Welcome Automation workflow, which will help you in converting your newsletter subscribers into potential buyers and many more such applications.

The software will also make it easier for you to set up discount codes and free shipping codes for your customers, which encourages them to visit your business and buy something from you.

The software will also help you in sending out automated delivery updates and cart updates to your customers,

which ensures a simple and hassle-free shopping experience for your customers and increases the probability that they will come back to your site again.

This helps in maximizing the number of leads generated, increasing your sales.

With other email and message sending services, you need to think about the workflow and the number of emails you need to send out so that it does not look like spam.

However, with Omnisend, you are in no need to worry about all these things.

With the automated built-in Smart Send Solution, you just need to add subscribers, and the rest of the work is on Omnisend.

The Smart Send Solution ensures that emails and SMS are sent only to those subscribers of your newsletter who haven't made any purchase whatsoever yet.

For customers who regularly purchase items from your site, emails will be sent occasionally, which are just enough to keep them reeled in. Hence, you need to think about who to send emails to and who not to.

You just have to use the built-in automation solutions for this purpose.

Cart recovery emails are also sent to customers who have previously made any purchase on your account and not to everyone.

Smart Send Solution ensures that your customers are not spammed with irrelevant links and emails.

With the smart segmentation features of the Omnisend, you can be creating different lists in the database of your email contacts. In this way, you can create messages that are personalized that results in better customer engagement.

You can also be creating auto-renewed segments that can categorize the customers with respect to their campaign activity, shopping behavior, and many more categories.

These segments can prove out to be helpful in creating promotions and tailored messages.

This will help you in sending the right messages to the accurate target audience.

This way, you can build lists that are based on the channels that are used to subscribe, whether social media, email, or forms, and landing page for your store.

With this software, you can also use segment tags. This way, you can be creating targeted campaigns on the basis of total order value, the discount codes that are used, and the products that are purchased.

With Omnisend, you get the Content-Editor that is incredibly easy to use.

It lets you create pretty engaging and beautiful newsletters in almost no time.

The content editor comes with drag-and-drop features and functions like the Product Picker. This helps you a lot by saving your time in putting your newsletter together.

It also allows you to add extras like scratch cards, coupon codes, gift boxes, and a lot more that can boost both your open rates as well as the click-through rates.

There are various different options that Omnisend has to offer when it comes to ease up the process of capturing information from the visitors of the website.

From the basic sign-up box that is visible at the bottom of the screen to the flexible Popup widget, you can put into use the various options that

Omnisend has to offer in order to collect email addresses easily.

The platform also adds up the gamification aspect for capturing leads by putting the Wheel Of Fortune signup form into use. Omnisend has an accurate type of signup form to offer for any kind of marketing strategy.

The reporting features of Omnisend allows you to go deep down into the specifics.

This way, you can get to analyze each and every arena of your marketing campaigns. It will enable you to create customized reports that are based upon sign-up forms that perform the best and also takes into consideration the country of origin, language, and devices of the subscribers.

Omnisend also has the Click map feature to offer that allows you to see which portions of the newsletter gets the maximum clicks.

With this feature, you are never left behind in any kind of analytics and statistics. This way, you can be adjusting and improving your campaign likewise.

Omnisend empowers its users to design templates for their emails that are appealing through its remarkable features like the Product Picker as well as Drag And Drop.

What makes this platform even better is the fact that the solution lets the users enhance their email engagement using its CTR-boosters.

The CTR-boosters include dynamic discount codes, scratch cards, and many other features.

These email marketing abilities are much more advanced and help in significantly reducing the time spent on the designing and the automation of email campaigns.

Hence, you are ahead of your competitors with the advanced next-gen email marketing with loads of features and benefits over the traditional email marketing methods.

Pricing Plans Of Omnisend

Omnisend comes with flexible pricing options so as to suit every type of need and every budget.

You do not need to worry about paying more even though your requirements are less vice versa.

With pricing plans designed to suit each and every person, you are sure to get what you want at reasonable and just pricing.

Omnisend has four pricing plans, namely Free, Standard, Pro, and Enterprise. Each plan is made to suit different persons and different needs. The plan details are as below:

Free Plan

The first one is the Free plan, which costs you, obviously, nothing. And obviously, it has the least amount of features of all these plans. It can send up to 15,000 emails per month.

Other than this, SMS, MMS, Web Notifications, and other things like this are not included in this.

This is very much suitable for anyone with a small business and/or for someone who doesn't have many contacts to send mails to. Otherwise, for others, it is not worth it.

Standard Plan

The next plan is the Standard plan. This plan will make you shell you around $16 per month. It has the same 15,000 mails per month limit.

However, it comes with SMS support. A monthly free SMS sending limit.

You will also get Facebook integration, web push notifications, and Google customer match, which identifies your customer base on its own.

The Standard plan is for someone who has an average-sized business who does want to expand its customer base and reach out to more and more new people with each email or SMS or push notification sent.

Standard Pro

If you want something more than the Standard plan, a better reach, a better functionality, then you might want to switch to the third plan by Omnisend.

This is the Pro plan, which makes you shell out around $99 for a monthly subscription.

The main benefit of the Pro plan over the Standard plan is the increased free SMS and MMS credit limit when compared to the Standard plan. The rest of the benefits and offerings of the Pro plan are mostly the same as the Standard plan.

Enterprise Plan

The final plan by Omnisend is the Enterprise plan. This is a plan focused on being used by Enterprises and very large and established businesses.

It has the ability to send out unlimited emails in a month. Moreover, the free SMS credit limit is not present here.

This means that you can send as many SMS you like, and no money will be charged from you for that.

The pricing for this plan is provided as a quote to you, which will be given after you meet with the Omnisend team, where they will talk about your requirements and use.

You will also get a custom IP address and email account migration support, which is absent in all the other plans.

All these plans come with a free trial period during which if you do not like the service provided, you can leave the service.

The annual price for all these plans is a bit less, with around 10% to 15% per month discount on the pricing.

Pros And Cons

In this section, we will be listing all the pros and cons that are linked with this platform.

  1. Omnisend has an incredibly wide array of template options to offer. This makes it one of the best platforms for marketing automation out there in the market.
  2. The gift box option is one of the most unique and astounding features that Omnisend has to offer.
  3. One more fantastic feature that Omnisend has to offer is Live View. With this feature, I can have a look at the products that get removed from the cart pretty often.
  4. With Omnisend, it becomes pretty simple to set up all your marketing automation.
  5. Omnisend offers you the astounding ease of tracking your automation and newsletters.
  6. It gets very easy to set up the results with Omnisend.
  7. The layout of the program is aesthetically beautiful and yet simple to use.
  8. They offer incredible customer support.
  1. Though a lot on this website is pretty intuitive, like the groupings for the automation, the things that were available and came with them can be pretty confusing at times.
  2. If reviews are to be believed, the product picker does not work at times. This can prove out to be frustrating because you have to be physically copying and pasting the description of products as well as their photos. Thus it becomes a tedious and time-consuming process.
  3. The platform seems to be slightly overpriced with respect to the features it has to offer.

Omnisend boast of a state of the art automation system that is really nice is capable of doing the bulk of what you're doing for your online campaign. These automated steps can really save you time and make you a lot more money.

Omnisend offers one of the powerful and most cost-effective features that can help you create an efficient and successful email marketing campaign. The most significant features include:

  • Easy to create powerful marketing campaigns
  • Easy to create and effective follow-up campaigns
  • Attractive and customizable landing pages
  • A/B testing
  • Discount Coupons
  • Segmentation
  • Campaign Booster
  • Mobile optimization
  • Powerful list management
  • Reporting based on real-time analytics
  • Access to vital insights like who clicked, who shopped, how much money was made, etc.

You can use their Product Picker in the newsletter editor to just pick a product from your store and it goes straight into your newsletter. Furthermore, you can even add an attractive "Wheel of Fortune" feature like you get to see on many websites to attract your visitors into possibly winning exciting discounts and prizes.

  • Intuitive user experience.
  • Ideal for any kind of business and can handle any number of subscribers.
  • Built-in forms that capture visitor information which helps users to personalize messages
  • Smooth and efficient automation emails.
  • Omnisend Subscriber segmentation tool to send targeted messages to specific groups and subscribers.
  • Edit landing pages and push notifications using the highly customizable built-in content editor.
  • Attractive and professional looking box popups to make your project look appealing.
  • Omnisend Automation to save you valuable time and brain cells.
  • Integrations with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magneto, WooCommerce, and more.
  • Get instant access to stats based on real-time analytics like who clicked, who shopped, how much money was made, etc.

Services on both a monthly subscription and annual subscription basis include support via email, live chat, and an online knowledge base. Omnisend lets users connect with the support team via:

  • Live Chat Support
  • Email Support
  • FAQ/Knowledgebase
  • Social Media
  • Video Tutorials / Webinar

Check more power tools for email tracking, email drip campaigns.

FAQs About Omnisend Review

All in all, Omnisend is an incredible platform that is amazing at its job.

But at the same time, like almost every other platform, it is tailored to a pretty specific requirement set.

Omnisend can prove out to be an ideal platform to opt for if you are in search of an email marketing solution that has an astoundingly high capacity and can do most of the things that competitors do while being simple and easy to use.

You might find it a bit problematic when you begin to look at the "omnichannel" aspects.

You might see the price go high like a rocket when you wish to do something beyond just sending SMS messages and emails.

When it comes to the use of other channels, you will come across many limits and shortcomings.

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