Fashion Magazine

Ombre Sweater // Cake

By Shanlakes
nasty gal ombre sweater
I am so excited that the second "episode" of the Public Lives, Secret Recipes x Celebritized Chicago collaboration is here! Caitlin is so talented and fun to work with. You cannot even believe all of the treats she makes. She can take anything in life and turn it into food! I mean....that is quite possibly one of the best talents to have. We had so much fun working with this ombre sweater and turning it into an ombre cake. Go follow @publiclivessecretrecipes to see all of Caitlin's amazing creations! And stay tuned for more of the #PLSRxCelebritizedChicago collaboration! xx 

nasty gal ombre sweater


nasty gal ombre sweater

nasty gal ombre sweater

nasty gal ombre sweater

nasty gal ombre sweater

Check out Caitlin's site Public Lives, Secret Recipes to see more of the edible version of this outfit 
ombre sweater // cake

ombre sweater // cake

Sweater: Glamorous Greyed Out Sweater Tunic// Purse: Rebecca Minkoff Mini Mac Bag// Shades: Classic Aviator Sunglasses// Boots: Kayla Suede over the knee boots// {Shop the post}:
ombre sweater // cake
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